My broody hen has her first chick! UPDATE: 5 chicks, pic pg2

She has 5 now, can't see them all in this pic, but here they are

Cool story.......She abandoned her nest when the 5 chicks started running around. Still had 5 eggs in there. I assumed that because she left them they probably weren't any good. They have been sitting there without her all day. I was busy and just left them alone....

So I go out just before dark to close the coop door and decide to collect her eggs and bring them in to candle just to see how far they made it. I am walking towards the house with them, and they start peeping!!!!!!!!! At least 3 of the 5 were peeping!!! Both my bators are full, so I decided to see if she will take them back. I take them to her and lay them close (while she is pecking the heck out of me) I went back a few minutes later and she had them all tucked under her. So we will see if they hatch by morning. Cool huh?

Sorry so long, just wanted to share my story
Well, one more of the 5 eggs hatched overnight, then she abandoned the nest again! Two were pipped when I went out, one was born in my hand as I was carrying them into the house. (That was pretty cool!)
I put them in a box with a heat lamp and a second hatched a few minutes later. The other two eggs were no good.

I let them dry all day and gain some strength, then tried to give them back to her but she tried to peck them, so I brought them back in to live with my 10 day olds.
My hubby is not very accepting to the idea of me hatching or haveing more chickens. I am trying to get him to let me hatch 6 eggs. I know very little will even hatch if any but I want to try.

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