My cayuga was bobbing!!


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
Only the males do this right? The reason I ask is that it was doing it to an obviously male rouen! I am not even sure if it was the male or female cayuga, pretty hard to tell unless they're up close, and they were in the middle of the pond. Is it like a strutting thing? Like when roosters do their 'stare-downs'?
All ducks bob (in my experience). I like to refer to is as the "consent", duck foreplay, if you will!!!
My cayuga is the only female of the original bunch, and she bobs. I also have a male Khaki Campbell and two male Pekins. They were all hatch buddies with my geese and the eight of them run around together all the time.

And even with all the male attention, none of her eggs were fertile this year. *sigh*
If you only have 1 duck with 3 drakes you're lucky she's still alive. Multiple drakes will literally breed a single duck to death. If they're on a pond they will keep breeding the duck until she drowns.
Actually I have 4 ducks with 6 drakes. I was thinking they bred in the spring like normal animals, and I could wait to seperate them. I have been trying to find some more ducks, but all I can find in this area is pekins or muscovies. I hate muscovies and i have enough pekins already. I will seperate them shortly.
<edit> Just realized you were'nt referring to me!

Mine are on a pond though, and that's one thing I worry about. They won't have access to the pond when they are seperated by breeds, just enough to drink, but no swimming, but that won't help when I turn them all back out.
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