My chick doesn’t like to be held

They do prefer to be aloof. I love them. I once had a few Partridge boys but I've only raised Blacks for many years. Of over 30 breeds I've raised, these are my absolute favorite and may never have any other breed.
What made them stand out to you?

I just don’t know if I could settle down with only one breed. There are several breeds that I will not purchase again, but I really love my mixed flock.
What made them stand out to you?

I just don’t know if I could settle down with only one breed. There are several breeds that I will not purchase again, but I really love my mixed flock.
After many years of a white leghorn layer flock, I really liked a mixed flock which I had for several years. But these fit my personality and are unique in many ways.
I can turn them out in the morning and expect them all to be in the coop at night (thanks to their aloof demeanor) Even non-broody birds will adopt chicks - even cockerels.
One of only two breeds in the world with white earlobes and a brown egg. Extremely dark eggs. One of only two breeds with a carnation comb.
The black variety is famous in Spain for the flavor of the meat. They have their own annual festival there.
You can read more about the breed here.
My "he" hated being picked up from the day he emerged from the egg. Forcing it on him did nothing to improve his opinion of it.
Are you trying to make him a pet or lap chicken? What breed is he?
Hi was just reading through and i wanted to help. Then i saw 1 fraze which was lap chicken whats the defrence between that and a pet chicken.
Because no matter what he/she will have to get used to you but then again some chooks do not like been held. Take me for example one of my girls does not like me and just runs but then again when we first met we had a disagreement and she pecked me on the face.
Hello everyone, I have not really picked the chick up but I have tried getting him comfortable with me stroking him so he doesn’t really scream (make a high pitched noise) anymore
I was going to put a video of me stroking him like what some of you asked but it won’t let me:hmm

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