My chick hatched its day three and barely any movement or chirping


Apr 10, 2024
Hi there,
I’ve hatched 5 other baby chicks. This one hatched late two days ago. I thought it needed rest as hatching is a major thing for anything being born to deal with. I came home today and it’s barely moving and barely chirping as it did while pipping and zipping. It was a noisy little guy then. It ended up staying in its shell zipped for a couple days just chilling (so I thought). Still breathing and moving. Yesterday it ended up for the most part laying out of its shell. No chirping still breathing. Today I get home from work it’s still laying in the same spot same position no movement no chirping. My instincts saying that it’s not gonna make it. There was no blood. It absorbed the yoke fully. It did how ever have the membrane dry and was a bit hard and stuck to him so I help get that off with a little warm water then back in the incubator. Thinking that was the problem. That was yesterday. Can someone please guide me in what to do. I did give it a few drops of water…..was that okay to do? I did notice after that(about a half hour). I went back to check on it. And it looked like it was gagging.
Does anyone have insight. Is this babes not going to make it?
Welcome To BYC

Can you post photos of the chick?

You gave him a bath? Did you dry him really well with a hairdryer and put him back in the bator?

Can he stand and walk around?

If you have Poultry Nutri-Drench, give him 2-3 drops twice a day. It's fine to give drops of water during the day and even encourage the chick to eat.

Sometimes a just hatched chick can make a swallowing, gagging or chewing motion - I'm not exactly sure why - I've "read" that it's part of the process of absorbing the egg, but can't say for sure.

Has he pooped at all? Even if they have not eaten, they usually will poop. Most likely an alarming green color for the first 1-2 poops.
Welcome To BYC

Can you post photos of the chick?

You gave him a bath? Did you dry him really well with a hairdryer and put him back in the bator?

Can he stand and walk around?

If you have Poultry Nutri-Drench, give him 2-3 drops twice a day. It's fine to give drops of water during the day and even encourage the chick to eat.

Sometimes a just hatched chick can make a swallowing, gagging or chewing motion - I'm not exactly sure why - I've "read" that it's part of the process of absorbing the egg, but can't say for sure.

Has he pooped at all? Even if they have not eaten, they usually will poop. Most likely an alarming green color for the first 1-2 poops.
I did give it a warm wash cloth bath. Blow dried it really well. Bout 8-12inches away from it. But unfortunately he did pass. Mid day that I posted this.

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