My chick is having a bad leg since he was born. Need help.


Mar 8, 2018
I'm having a problem with my chick. I'm wondering what to do. Please help.

1) What type of bird: I can't specify

2) The Behavior: laying down frequently and eating and drinking regularly.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? Since he was born on march 4.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? No

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. A little bleeding and a seem of injury he has his leg curled and doesn't move that much but still does.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation. No

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. She eats and drinks the starter chick feed, and drink his water nice and regularly

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. I think it is normal. No blood

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? I have not tried anything because I don't know what to do.

10) Describe the housing/bedding in use. I use fine pine shavings.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be happening? Thankyou for any help you can give me.
Here is a picture
I'd call that a riboflavin deficiency or a slipped tendon. Does the back of his knee feel like the back of the knees of the other chicks? If not, slipped tendon, and you need to correct it soon.
Are both feet curled? Grind up a vitamin B complex tablet and add it to his water. Better if you have B12 (Riboflavin) Since B dissolves in water, the chicken can flush excess from the system. It's really hard to overdose B vitamins.
Look up the site "poultry podiatry" and read it. It'll be informative. Pay special attention to the leg splinting, chick slings, and diagnoses.

And do this ASAP. Chicks grow fast, and deformities soon become permanent.
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Yes the back of his knee does fell like the other. No only one foot is curled. Thank you for your help I barely starting breeding and I'm kind of scared.
You're welcome. Do read "poultry podiatry," supply B vitamins even if both feet aren't curled, and then splint his foot flat and hobble his legs into proper position. (The site tells you how to do that.)

Good luck.
Thought I give it a shot & ask: Could that be spraddle leg? Be sure to have the chick on a non-slip surface, even a paper towel is helpful. Hope you find your answer soon.

I had one that looked like this that was fixed with a pipe cleaner brace; it was the most difficult one encountered, but worked out. After bringing the hip joint & leg in position a little at a time as not to make it scream out, I just kept adjusting it to bring the legs into position properly over some days. The pipe cleaner piece did not rub or cut circulation off. The chick tried & tried & eventually got upright; then adapted to each adjustment. Took a straight (cut to size) piece & curled each end around each ankle (loose enough to not hurt & just tight enough to hold in place). Best wishes.

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