My Chick Is Sick....Or Something! HELP!

the only reason I thought heat was an issue is that I ordered 25 chicks, and 4 were sultans, 4 were polish, and they were the ones that were falling over, doing exactally what you described.., I lost 2 sultans and 1 polish when I called mcmurray.. all the other chicks seemed fine, when I made it warmer for them they all stopped falling over, and the other chicks were still fine. I hope you find out what happened with your chicks.
I am no expert, but what kind of food are they eating?

The reason why I ask is because I met a couple some days ago and we were talking about chicks and they told me (and they are the first ones that told me this) to not give my chicks medicated feed and if I were getting my chicks from TSC to NOT listen to the sales people about the medicated food.

I don't know what the problem with the food is, but this couple told me that they lost the majority of their chicks while they were eating the medicated food. When they switched to a non-medicated the rest of the chicks were fine.

I hope you figure out what is causing this.
I fed my first batch of chicks with nonmedicated food 2 years ago & they all turned out fine. Got them & the feed at TSC.
Second batch are being fed the medicated with no ill effects. Got the feed at TSC.
That couple may have gotten a bad bag of feed, maybe? How terrible!

I sure hope the little one is improving today.
I have had a similar issue with a chick. Bought 6 from tsc and one died.other 5 seemed healthy for a few weeks when one fell over last thurs. I researched symptoms, suspected merricks, contacted State ag dept and poultry doctors. Feel sure it is this but have been nursing the chick, seperated immediately
from others, and though it is better vet gives little hope for recovery. I am frustrated with the store as they wont tell me if hatchery most hatcheries do, I was concerned. I am trying to learn more about this disease if anyone (unfortunately ) has more info.
The little chick made it through another day and night. She still is falling all over the place, but seems to be up and about more, despite the falling over. Someone did suggest it could just be that it's a vitamin deficiency so waiting to see if the vitamins make a difference. I have hope for her, since she's holding on, and seems to be getting back to being active. Her one lil sister spends most of her time following her around or laying with her, so sweet. The other two that I suspect might be roosters, keep to themselves and have stopped picking on her when she falls over. And if I take her out for a little cuddle, they all chirp at me really loud till I put her back. They seem to be taking care of her, and protecting her now. So, I have hope! Thanks for the input from everyone and I'll keep ya'll updated!

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