My chick laid 1st egg. Soft, now chick is not acting right just standing still


In the Brooder
Sep 5, 2023
It’s our first time at this so please bear with us. The chicken laid her first egg 2 hours ago. It was soft, and it was while open feeding. She went back into the coop and just stood there, back end was up, feet crossed, and really wouldn’t move for anything.
My sister in law knows more about them, but she’s brown and prob 17-20 weeks old? Someone said she might not make it thru the night. Please help us
Nature wise is the food brand. They get a cup of worms/day 1/2 am 1/2 pm. Veggies a couple times a week and free range daily
She seems fine today! The tums must have helped. We’ll keep an eye on her next time she’s ready to lay.
Scary for sure. Thanks !

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