My chick make noise!

Hi and welcome to BYC. As long as the chicks are running around, doing what chicks do, then the noise is a good sign that they are ok. If they are huddled next to a heat source and making noise, then they are too cold. As long as they are messing around, as chicks do, and eating and drinking then noise is a good thing. As to what the noise actually means, i prefer to avoid comparing chicken emotions with human ones - but using them as you have here, to try and explain your concern works well.

Yes, they do. They make noise to communicate with each other. To show anger or fear, impatience (like wanting food) they have their own chirps. If they are very loud and keep repeating a frantic noise they make be in pain or very unhappy about something - to hot, to cold, being picked on by others, being trampled by others. , or sometimes just being very frightened .

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