My chick was pecked :(


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 19, 2012
I have 3 Buff Orpington chicks, 1 Marans chick, 1 Welsummer chick and then 2 adult silkies. We had a really brutal storm one night and the next morning I went out to check my chickens and one of the Buff Orpington chicks had a huge, deep wound on the back of his neck. I noticed blood on another Buff Orp's beak. I removed him and put him in his own coop, but what can I put on this wound? It was very deep, I could see his muscles :( It was oozing clear liquid. I put some vaseline on it and the next day it was scabbed over with no oozing. It's been 2 days now and he is still energetic and eating and drinking. Is there anything else I can do for him? Why would a chick peck another chick like this??
Normally this happens only during or after storms because the chickens aren't able to go outside and are kept together in a tight space. After a storm the ground may be very muddy which would prevent them from taking dirt bathes. This irritates them and both these situations can result in pecking younger chicks or plucking out each others blood feathers. I don't really know how to help the behavior or the wound but I hope that this info can help you and I hope your chick gets better!
Thank you! If there is another storm I will keep an eye on them. We also got another coop that is a little bit bigger and once this little wounded chick heals I will be putting 3 and 3 in the coops to help give them more room.

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