My chick won't stand up, and it's not as active as my other chicks in the current brood of 3 day old hatchlings. Video of hatch, and 3 days old inside


Jul 19, 2021
Central Florida
Video of Hatch - unlisted Youtube video

Video at 3 days old - Unlisted Youtube Video

The chick is a Blue Adalusian (According to the egg code from Meyer Hatchery on the Eggshell).

I've noticed some problems since this chick hatched, seems to have it's eyes closed more often than the other chicks, sits down on the leg joints, and has difficulty walking. My gut feeling is that this chick is not going to make it, and I hope that I'm wrong. It's my first time hatching out chicks, and the eggs I got a random assortment of 5 eggs, and 4 Buff Orpingtons (There was a 5th Buff Orpington egg that didn't develop). All 9 of the remaining eggs of all 10 of them hatched, and this chick was the only one that didn't appear to hatch properly.

I attached both the video of the hatching, and the video of what it's currently like.

In the hatch video, I think it shows that it hasn't fully absorbed the egg yolk prior to hatching, due to the yellow sac barely attached to it still.

I've been checking every so often, and I've even seen it manage to make it to the waterer and feeder and have seen it eating and drink. The water has electrolytes mixed in.

I'm not sure exactly what's going on, and I need some help!
Video of Hatch - unlisted Youtube video

Video at 3 days old - Unlisted Youtube Video

The chick is a Blue Adalusian (According to the egg code from Meyer Hatchery on the Eggshell).

I've noticed some problems since this chick hatched, seems to have it's eyes closed more often than the other chicks, sits down on the leg joints, and has difficulty walking. My gut feeling is that this chick is not going to make it, and I hope that I'm wrong. It's my first time hatching out chicks, and the eggs I got a random assortment of 5 eggs, and 4 Buff Orpingtons (There was a 5th Buff Orpington egg that didn't develop). All 9 of the remaining eggs of all 10 of them hatched, and this chick was the only one that didn't appear to hatch properly.

I attached both the video of the hatching, and the video of what it's currently like.

In the hatch video, I think it shows that it hasn't fully absorbed the egg yolk prior to hatching, due to the yellow sac barely attached to it still.

I've been checking every so often, and I've even seen it manage to make it to the waterer and feeder and have seen it eating and drink. The water has electrolytes mixed in.

I'm not sure exactly what's going on, and I need some help!
Have you tried tying the thighs of the chick together? (like you do with splayed-leg chicks, but higher up on the leg). It could help him gain strength in his legs... (and will probably bother his balance at first).

These people have similar issues, from what I can tell (I think it might help):

To me it doesn't look like his tendon's are slipped, but it's possible 🤷‍♀️

There is a possibility of Marek's disease as well.

These are all just possibilities of what it could be...

How is he doing so far?
The hatch looked normal to us, and the second video looks like she's just starting to get her balance; she may take a little longer. The small amount of material attached to her at hatch is mostly umbilical, and it appears she absorbed all the yolk sac fully - don't think you need to worry there.

In the second video, she looks like she's trying to stand on her own, and I don't really see a sign of spraddle leg. The floor, though not slippery to us, is paper towels, which could be slippery to a chick. We use a cloth towel on the floor of our brooder to give chicks PLENTY of traction in their first few weeks so they can build leg muscles and avoid slipping and sliding.

The balance issue could be a very mild neurological issue, in which case I'd give a little Vit-E to her a couple times per day and see if she didn't respond to that. I wish I could be of more help.
Have you tried tying the thighs of the chick together? (like you do with splayed-leg chicks, but higher up on the leg). It could help him gain strength in his legs... (and will probably bother his balance at first).

These people have similar issues, from what I can tell (I think it might help):

To me it doesn't look like his tendon's are slipped, but it's possible 🤷‍♀️

There is a possibility of Marek's disease as well.

These are all just possibilities of what it could be...

How is he doing so far?
I'm sorry to say that the chick passed away a few days after I posted this thread. I did try to tie the legs together, and provided electrolyte water, and did the best I could. Today, the other chicks from the hatch are doing well in their brooder (just over 2 weeks old now).
I'm sorry to say that the chick passed away a few days after I posted this thread. I did try to tie the legs together, and provided electrolyte water, and did the best I could. Today, the other chicks from the hatch are doing well in their brooder (just over 2 weeks old now).
I'm sorry to hear that :(
I'm glad your other chicks are doing well though!
I had a chick recently pass away, she was quite lethargic... refusing to eat and drink..
chick deaths are always sad... I hope your next time hatching goes without complications!

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