My chicken adventures!part 1


May 1, 2019
Northern lower Michigan
Hey! I'm new to byc and when I discovered this thread I decided to tell a bunch of different stories of me and my chickens ( I have some pretty wacky ones )!!! Ok! Let's get started!

Alrighty, so I live in northern lower Michigan. And since my parents probs don't want me to give my name out on the internet, I'm just gonna call myself...ummmmm... let's see???...OH! I've got it! I'll just call myself after my clever slightly childish sounding account name...!!!
Roostie!!! ( sry I tend 2 use a lot of exclamation points )
( I also have a wacky sense of humor )
I'm a teen ( I don't think I should give my age out either) and for as long as I can remember we have had chickens!! I - AHHHHH! Some hawks just almost made a dive 4 my chickens!!thats weird it's the middle of the day and I just heard an owl.
Well anyways we don't have any other pets but I'm dyeing to get a golden retriever and a hedgehog and every other animal in existence... lol!
Awwwwww my chickens are sunbathing now! I think they look so cute when they do that! ARGG I'm getting side tracked again! Lol
Ok so at the moment I have three hens well two hens and one that can't decide her gender but she has a female name so I'll just call her a girl
Blisa (the one that can't decide her gender) is a black and white bantam Cochin! She is I think like five or six she doesn't lay eggs and I have heard her crowing a few times but she is not aggressive in any way! In fact she is the runt.
Then we have " poor chicken"
The top of the pecking order she has been through a lot and will probs be the topic of most of my story posts! She is a sorta golden colored 13 year old Ameraucana. AND SHE STILL LAYS EGGS! Isn't that crazy! Do you guys have any chickens like that???
And last but not least we have amethyst! She is I think around four or five and she is a cross between Bliss's dad and poor chicken( don't ask about poor chickens name I gave it 2 her when I was like 2 lol) awww she's talking 2 me rn actually she's begging 4 treats but I just gave her some. We used 2 have the sweetest rooster in the world but he recently died of parasites.:hit. his name was Raptor and his nickname was Roostie that's where I got my account name when I'm done blabbering on I'll put some pics in too. Anyway he was amythists bro and he was super pretty ok so I think I'm done introducing every one I'll say bye and try to figure out how to post a pic!!!

Ps. Arggh I can't figure it out I'll try 2 do it ltr ok byeeee!
Hey! I'm new to byc and when I discovered this thread I decided to tell a bunch of different stories of me and my chickens ( I have some pretty wacky ones )!!! Ok! Let's get started!

Alrighty, so I live in northern lower Michigan. And since my parents probs don't want me to give my name out on the internet, I'm just gonna call myself...ummmmm... let's see???...OH! I've got it! I'll just call myself after my clever slightly childish sounding account name...!!!
Roostie!!! ( sry I tend 2 use a lot of exclamation points )
( I also have a wacky sense of humor )
I'm a teen ( I don't think I should give my age out either) and for as long as I can remember we have had chickens!! I - AHHHHH! Some hawks just almost made a dive 4 my chickens!!thats weird it's the middle of the day and I just heard an owl.
Well anyways we don't have any other pets but I'm dyeing to get a golden retriever and a hedgehog and every other animal in existence... lol!
Awwwwww my chickens are sunbathing now! I think they look so cute when they do that! ARGG I'm getting side tracked again! Lol
Ok so at the moment I have three hens well two hens and one that can't decide her gender but she has a female name so I'll just call her a girl
Blisa (the one that can't decide her gender) is a black and white bantam Cochin! She is I think like five or six she doesn't lay eggs and I have heard her crowing a few times but she is not aggressive in any way! In fact she is the runt.
Then we have " poor chicken"
The top of the pecking order she has been through a lot and will probs be the topic of most of my story posts! She is a sorta golden colored 13 year old Ameraucana. AND SHE STILL LAYS EGGS! Isn't that crazy! Do you guys have any chickens like that???
And last but not least we have amethyst! She is I think around four or five and she is a cross between Bliss's dad and poor chicken( don't ask about poor chickens name I gave it 2 her when I was like 2 lol) awww she's talking 2 me rn actually she's begging 4 treats but I just gave her some. We used 2 have the sweetest rooster in the world but he recently died of parasites.:hit. his name was Raptor and his nickname was Roostie that's where I got my account name when I'm done blabbering on I'll put some pics in too. Anyway he was amythists bro and he was super pretty ok so I think I'm done introducing every one I'll say bye and try to figure out how to post a pic!!!

Ps. Arggh I can't figure it out I'll try 2 do it ltr ok byeeee!
Hi there!! Glad you are here! Wow! 13 years old!? My first flock is just one year old now and I have added 10 more this year...
So sorry you lost Roostie!
To post a pic click on the *Upload a File* button.. blue button below.. choose a pic... click *done*... it will load then you can choose *full image* and it will post to your post :D
Please, post us up. I live for the stories from other people’s flocks. So help me with, northern lower Michigan. I guess that means you are in the mitten and hence not a “youper” (please pardon my spelling). So don’t tell me where you are if you don’t want to but I am guessing something in the Traverse City area. Am I close?
Please, post us up. I live for the stories from other people’s flocks. So help me with, northern lower Michigan. I guess that means you are in the mitten and hence not a “youper” (please pardon my spelling). So don’t tell me where you are if you don’t want to but I am guessing something in the Traverse City area. Am I close?
Please, post us up. I live for the stories from other people’s flocks. So help me with, northern lower Michigan. I guess that means you are in the mitten and hence not a “youper” (please pardon my spelling). So don’t tell me where you are if you don’t want to but I am guessing something in the Traverse City area. Am I close?
nope not rly lol we live near Lake heron which is really nice in the summer but we don't get buds on our trees as early as say the middle of the state, which is sad, but hey that's what happens when you live by a Great Lake!
I guess I don't have a good pic of amythist or Blisa... I'll take some better ones ltr but I couldn't wait 2 show you guys my feathered fam!!!
Hi there!! Glad you are here! Wow! 13 years old!? My first flock is just one year old now and I have added 10 more this year...
So sorry you lost Roostie!
To post a pic click on the *Upload a File* button.. blue button below.. choose a pic... click *done*... it will load then you can choose *full image* and it will post to your post :D
They are beautiful! Is your little mottled Cochin a rooster? I think I have a mottled Cochin rooster too :D... about six weeks old now.. but he sure looks mostly black... so I don’t know..

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