My Chicken Crows


5 Years
Apr 30, 2017
My wonderful oldest chicken of 9 crows. She crows in The we morning and has been for the last week.

Any advice on helping her stop. Watched her this morning just crow away. I am putting out food tonight in hopes when she walks out tomorrow morning that would help. I need my sleep

Thank You
@bgaassoc said his hen is 9 yrs old so it's likely she is done with her laying years. I've read hens can take on rooster traits as their reproductive system shuts down. You could try a nocrow collar as I doubt she will stop now.
Well, could be....or could the oldest bird of 9 chickens.

I've had a 2-3yo hen crow during winter molt months, did duets with the cockbird and helped herd the birds...she stopped when she went back into lay

Aaah yes I could have read that wrong. Now I'm curious :)

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