My chicken have Bronchitis?

Jamin Mayer

In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
I found my chicken making a weird noise when inhaling and exhaling. She was also sneezing a lot. Sort of funny to see, but I don't think she's normal. So, I'm sort of worried for her and the rest of my chickens.

I have a video for you experts to see.

Thank you in advance!
First off get that chicken QTed FAR away from your flock ASAP do not wait till the am...DO NOT HANDLE HER or let her touch you or your clothes/gloves and then handle your other chickens without a complete clothing change and hand washing, she shakes her head and your getting germy chicken snot on you even if you cant see aware of your shoes also. Once segragated give her Sulmet in the water and/or auremycin in the feed and see what happens. I would also give my others some just in case Sulmet in the water and bleach your coop. Could be CRD or a number of other on the side of caution....the head shake and the noise is indicative of a VERY sick chicken, walking admist your very healthy looking birds! EEEEEK!
With chickens, if they even LOOK cross eyed at you, get a runny nose, a crusty eye or do a head shake and gasp....and you dont have the heart to cull....then you get them FAR FAR away from the rest of the flock as fast as you can and medicate and disinfect EVERYTHING and follow STRICT bio security measures. 1 sick chicken can mean 100 DEAD chickens...take it very seriously.
PS DONT EAT ANY EGGS for about 3 weeks after dosing with Sulmet or any other antibiotic. You can hatch them, but dont eat them!
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Quarintene ASAP! I just finished getting my OEGB roo healthy from a similar thing. I gave him Agrimycin200 [oxytetracycline] via INJECTION for 4 days. He also got TYLAN 50 ORALLY for 7 days. I kept him; in the house, warm, pedyalite for water, lots of protien and fresh food goodies and tons of TLC. Not ONE of my other gremlins showed any signs of this sneezing/wheezing runny nose stuff. After the rounds of ALL these meds and no more sneeze/wheeze for 4 days he was able to go back with the troops and is 100% better.
BUT because this was a respritory infection I know he will be a carrier for life. This roo had been stressed about a week prior to the onset of this.
Everyone in the coop got TYLAN orally [ only have 5] OR you can put TYLAN in the water if you have too many to handle everyday.
Possible gapeworm infestation too?? Hope this is helpful.
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There is hope and its not too late!
Tylan is a good drug. Everytime I sell someone a chicken I try to sell them a bottle of STUFF (antibiotic) or at least make them write down the names of the stuff....because they day you dont have it on hand is the day you WILL need it. Also VET RX all over the head and under the wings wont cure but will make it breath a pinch?? You can use Human Vicks--avoid getting in the eyes. I hope all works out ok! Good to see video that others can learn from too!

Also IF that chicken passes...NO BURYING IT....You BURN IT!
I just made a makeshift cage for her in my garage with 2 old pair of Dickies pants (for insulation) , a log for roosting, and a metal screen for keeping her in. I'll give her water, food, & meds tomorrow.

Thank you for the tip to quarantine. I wouldn't have thought of that. It's my first time raising chickens. They will be 1 year old this April.

We have a Ranch & Feed store in town. I'm sure they will have the meds you all suggested.

I'll keep you all posted too.
Please do....Im no expert or vet but been raising chickens a long time and have had variations of the funky funk before.....Sulmet not that expensive and a bottle will stretch awhile. Auramycin about 25 bucks for 50lb bag....or go the cheaper route and put her back on medicated chick starter....but if it is CRD you want the Auramyacin. DO NOT get the teramycin in the little yellow bag...its WORTHLESS and WONT WORK and dont let them talk you into it.
And WASH HANDS til they are RAW between her pen and your other pen...rememeber she canhead shake and sneeze on your pant leg and you can carry it to your other chickens without even knowing you are doing that.
If you have kids dont let them near her as they always forget to wash hands.
When I have chickens in QT...either new birds or suspect birds....I will go take care of EVERYONE else FIRST...then feed and water the QT pen last and the clothes hit the washer on the way in the house.
Yup its a pain in the BUTT....but you have pretty fat healthy looking birds, would be a shame to lose them all or get them sick. And looks cold where ever you are..which can work to your advantage at slowing the spread of any funk...but still at the least you get a spray bottle full of bleach and have at it in your coop and on the ground. Sending you my best wishes for a recovery or at the very least only lossing one and not all. Do keep us all UTD.
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If you feed medicated chick feed, can you still not eat the eggs? I found this thread bevause my girls are all sneezing and coughing just a little. No eye or nose (visible) funk.. I intend to start a treatment of something, and clean their coop while they free range.. They have appetite and are drinking..

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