My chicken is sick

So the vet is saying it could be potential heavy-metal poisoning. We’re not exactly sure he’s doing more tests he did see spherical balls in her belly, which could indicate BBs? We live in the woods so it’s not unheard of. My husband read that babies are zinc plated but stainless steel on the inside. The vet said the zinc and let our perpetrators for heavy metal poisoning in fowl. Has anyone heard of this? And any suggestions for treatment? The vet is saying removal and heavy metal chelation, which could be costly..?
We just got back from the vet, they look like BBs in her proventriculus. He said they cannot be extracted, it’s pretty tricky maybe through scope or surgery. Of course that is very cost prohibitive for us. Has anyone had luck removing BBs from birds gizzards? And then even after that he said the metal poisoning is an issue which is what started her symptoms to begin with.
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My husband said these look much bigger than BBs; that they look like airsoft pellets (which are plastic biodegradable) and is what my boys do shoot in the back of our 3 acre yard. Somehow she must’ve gotten a hold of them. Doc wants us to euthanize her tomorrow morning. But she still seems alert, was mildly foraging for a little bit with her sisters right before bedtime, and is holding down syringes of prescription avian food, and poultry cell with electrolytes. We also gave her some olive oil hoping by some miracle she can move them out. I will call the University of Tennessee and get a quote to see if they could remove them with a scope as he suggested, but I suspect it is a pricey procedure. I’m sure other people have experience this but I can’t find any information.
Doc wants us to euthanize her tomorrow morning. But she still seems alert, was mildly foraging for a little bit with her sisters right before bedtime, and is holding down syringes of prescription avian food, and poultry cell with electrolytes. We also gave her some olive oil hoping by some miracle she can move them out.
I'd try giving her a flush, some mineral oil or even peanut butter to see if that helps move the objects on out. With them being round, if they are BB's she may be able to pass some of them.

I'm sorry that you're having to deal with this.

Oh, swallowing foreign objects/metals is called "Hardware Disease" or "Hardware Toxicity". If you search for those terms along with Poultry, you'll find some limited info.

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