My chicken isn’t maturing

Sep 13, 2019
My Hamburg is 30 weeks old now and has never laid an egg. I don’t mind if she doesn’t lay, but it’s weird. She also never grew a comb, but only has a tiny pencil point sized red dot on her head. The first pic is From over a month ago and the second I just took. She almost died when she was 2 days old from choking on some hay. She had little air for about 30 minutes until we could get the hay out of her throat. Maybe it’s from that? My husband said he was supposed to be mature 40 years ago and it never happened to him either. 🤣 Does anyone else have a chicken (or husband) that never matured?
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*raises hand* my SO is also not matured. :lau

my hens and pullets dont have very large combs. I assume it depends on the breed. even ones that I know have laid eggs before. 20201116_152005.jpg
Hmm, what is the season were you are? It is possible that since light is dissipating in the winter, she may be having a hard time starting to lay since it is getting dark earlier.
I originally thought it was mean to give them coop lights because their bodies do deserve a break, but good LORD it gets dark so early. I feel like they're missing half of their life.
Lol, I get the dive them a break point, that is a good point.
Yeah I'm too lazy to actually set up lights and turn them on/off every night. And since they're free range, I think theyd just be confused by outside being dark but inside being light. I dont want to entice predators either.

But I WANT MORE daylight ahhhh
Hmm, what is the season were you are? It is possible that since light is dissipating in the winter, she may be having a hard time starting to lay since it is getting dark earlier.
I’m in PA and it’s already getting pretty cold. I read this breed was supposed to mature by 18 weeks! I think by Brahma is going to mature before her.
I’m in PA and it’s already getting pretty cold. I read this breed was supposed to mature by 18 weeks! I think by Brahma is going to mature before her.
This late in the years, onset of lay can be delayed.

But I WANT MORE daylight ahhhh
28 days until Winter Solstice.

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