My chicken knew I was sad!!

...psssstttt... MEALWORMS (the farmed ones though not "wild"" ) they will jump through hoops for mealworms!!!

Thanks dlh, I've never tried mealworms but mine LOVE crickets, we get them 2 tubes from the bait shop every Sat. and they go bonkers for them.
That's it. No more chicky kisses. At least, NOT on the lips!
What a sweet story. I really think that animals are great healers. I can't tell you how many times (when I was a teenager) I'd go down and cry to my horse and he would rest his head on me. When I'm having a bad day at work, I really look forward to going home to the girls.
I hope you have a better day today, and give that wonderful little chicken a worm for being such a good girl!
that is exactly what my duck does and why i have such a crush on him. he looks me right in the eye, puts his beak up to my cheek and just sits there looking at me. from the very first day. there is something very special about him.
I've been sick this past week, so on Tuesday, I laid down on the couch for a nap and Penny was my foot warmer and Obelisk sat on the back of the couch and watched me sleep.

I can't cook "fake beef" if they're watching me; I feel so guilty. As for the meat bird section, I can't go there. I can eat it if it's packaged, but I couldn't do if if I knew it's name.

Slifer was my most "cuddly", if I can use that word regarding the Cantankerous Bag of Feathers...if I was feeling down, I could pick her up and cuddle her and she would let me cry all over her if I needed to. And she'd give chicken hugs where she'd stretch out her neck and put her head on my shoulder.
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How sweet! I got tears welling up in my eyes too after reading it.

How blessed we all are to have such terrific creatures around us, so much more special when we find that little moment that connects us to them!

Lovely, thank you for sharing bantymum!!
i agree with you about the not chopping in front of them thing. i put all animals, goats whatever, in a different yard completely when i do that kind of stuff. they can sense what your'e doing even if no sound. after i do it, they don't go near the area for quite a while when they come back. i was a vegan for 10 plus years but had to switch to meat for health reasons. they can definitely tell something has been going on. i feel at least by doing it myself i know they got good lives.

you have a very good heart and it shows.

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