My Chicken lays around, limps, and not laying

Can you post a picture of how your chicken looks? Is she due for a molt? Is she eating and drinking? What do you feed her? How does her poop look (picture welcome.) Can you describe what her crop feels like now (empty, full, firm, puffy, or doughy?) Check to see if her crop empties by early morning. Is she losing weight, or does her lower belly feel fuller?
Thank you so much for your reply! So, she is eating, drinking as far as I can see. but not alot of scratch, When I throw out the worms, she very much enjoys. I just threw out some cold corn, but she kind of picked at it, but normally she gobbles it up. for treats, I have been giving them the worms, some oats every so often, and black sunflower seeds, oyster shells. For feed, layer scratch. I have three chickens total. They free range about 3 times a week. She might be getting ready to molt and she hasn't been laying for about a month, and I see no stash of eggs anywhere. Her crop feels normal, not too big or firm. The thing I notice is her feet. She just doesn't want to walk around. That is why she is laying down (position like she is laying) She doesn't seem any thinner. She is very tame with me, and when I sit down to visit with them, she is the first one to hop on my lap right away. She just did, even tho it was kind of hard for her. Haven't been able to check out her poop, but will try later. It is going to be 108 here in Sacramento today, and I am keeping them cool with misters and fans, but she was acting this way before the heat came. Appreciate all the comments!!


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I would examine her feet on top and on the bottom, and look for scaly leg mites with raised scales or bumblefoot scabs. She could have sprained her leg jumping or from a mating rooster if you have one. She sounds like she gets a lot of treats. Chicken feed is well balanced, and has all she needs, and should make up at least 90% of her diet. They do love treats, but we dilute any of the nutrients by giving extras. Fatty liver disease is many times caused by eating too many treats. Check her crop in early morning when it should be empty. Let us know if it isn’t.
For feed, layer scratch.
Scratch should really be fed more as a treat. For instance, the scratch I have only has 12% protein, which is much to low, and it very high in fat.
Could you get some good all flock feed, or even grower (in pelleted form) feed? You want something that has 18% or higher protein, and most layer feeds are 16%.
If you feed all flock or grower, just make sure you have some oyster shell on the side, but other then that it is very good for all chickens, laying or not.
I don't know if this will help with her legs, but if she is suffering from deficiencies it could well help.
I see in one of the photos her right foot toe/webbing looks swollen. Can you get a photo closer up to this foot, top and bottom?

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