My chicken sang the egg song!

Hmmm. Josephine was egg songing her head off for a week and squatting before I got an egg this early afternoon.

And Jeanette my ameracuna that doesn't fall within breed standard laid me eggs on the regular until recently, no eggs in 10 days. I miss her pretty blue eggs.

Josephine is the one I suspect of laying this new egg, and the blue one is the last egg Jeanette laid.

I do have 2 more easter egger/ameracunas from her litter and 3 left of 4 ameracunas/easter eggers that are 17 weeks old and a 16 week old rose comb leghorn. But I'm betting it was Josephine.

Is it normal for an older 14 month old layer to quit laying when the pullets get to their POL? Jeanette used to lay 6 eggs every 7 days. Now nada.

My other ee Missy is quite vocal too... I think all my 8 youngerish chickens are about to all start up, but my one oldest just seems interested in napping and laying by the pop door of the coop outside in the run.

And I brought in Lenny, a wellsummer x favorelle x light brahma 11 month old rooster 3 days ago. He seems very enamored with his flock of 9 ladies all around their pol time.
And I bribe everyone including my mailmen & ups guys with something homemade... ice cream, pudding/custard, or my knockout never fail dark chocolate idiot cake.
And I bribe everyone including my mailmen & ups guys with something homemade... ice cream, pudding/custard, or my knockout never fail dark chocolate idiot cake.

Are you going to submit that recipe for the next BYC cookbook? I wanna bribe my people too! I am sure you could bribe me right now for a piece of that!
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Hahaha I would do allll of that if this woman wasn't such a b word :( they are just horrible people. They really dont like us especially our children. We have had many words with them about calling our children horrible names no child should hear. So honestly giving her my hard earned eggs is something I dont even want to do! Ill give them to her neighbors though with a smile on my face right in front of her ha!
Hmmm. Josephine was egg songing her head off for a week and squatting before I got an egg this early afternoon.

And Jeanette my ameracuna that doesn't fall within breed standard laid me eggs on the regular until recently, no eggs in 10 days. I miss her pretty blue eggs.

Josephine is the one I suspect of laying this new egg, and the blue one is the last egg Jeanette laid.

I do have 2 more easter egger/ameracunas from her litter and 3 left of 4 ameracunas/easter eggers that are 17 weeks old and a 16 week old rose comb leghorn. But I'm betting it was Josephine.

Is it normal for an older 14 month old layer to quit laying when the pullets get to their POL? Jeanette used to lay 6 eggs every 7 days. Now nada.

My other ee Missy is quite vocal too... I think all my 8 youngerish chickens are about to all start up, but my one oldest just seems interested in napping and laying by the pop door of the coop outside in the run.

And I brought in Lenny, a wellsummer x favorelle x light brahma 11 month old rooster 3 days ago. He seems very enamored with his flock of 9 ladies all around their pol time.
Is your 14 month old molting? Clarissa started malting the other day and hasnt laid shes 17months or could she be broody? Also I have to say that slice looks amazing!
@Deckgirls she sounds awful! bake her a cake with shop bought eggs and spit init ALOT! or the kids could wee init to get back at her for the childish name calling! ha

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