My chicken suddenly died today & I don't know why


Sep 16, 2020
I am broken hearted 😭. I found my 14 month old Easter Egger, Lightening, dead on her side in the chicken run within 20 minutes after seeing her. She seemed fine all day, not seeming lethargic at all. She was laying normally (she is the only one that lays greenish tinted eggs so I can tell), comb looked normal, and seemed eager to eat & drink. She didn't appear to have lost weight.
I checked her body after for mites and lice, and I did not see anything. She was higher on the pecking order so I don't think she was being bullied.
Should I take her body to the vet to see if it was illness or parasite? Could it have been a heart attack? It was extremely sudden. I want to make sure I am doing everything for the well being of my other chickens.
I am going to miss her. She followed me everywhere in the yard. She would try to come in the house after me on occasion 😞
Thank you for your help.
It’s always good to get a necropsy done if you can (just in case) or at least do some internal investigation yourself if you can, but by the sounds of things it was likely something non preventable like a heart attack. I have lost one young pullet like this at about 6 months of age and nothing was amiss with her health. Keep an eye on the rest of the flock these next couple of weeks. I’m sorry for your loss.
That's so sad...
I would probably call the vet at least, to ask if they think its worth it to have a look inside. Alterntively/also bring in poop from the alive chickens for microscopic examination.

And sorry to hear about your loss, its really sad and shocking to suddenly just lose one like that...
:hugs A necropsy is the only way to figure out what happened. You need to keep the carcass "fresh" ... Wrap in plastic bag 2x & keep in the frig until you can get it down. If you have access to a Vet or your local Dept of Ag may do it.
Oh this is very sad news! I completely understand how puzzled & upset you are. I agree about getting a necropsy done, as there's often no way to know why they pass when it's sudden.

It may help you to do what I've done, so I wanted to put it out there, just in case. One thing that I have done is to keep track of the girls' names & dates of birth (or approx ages & dates of arrival at my place.) Upon their passing, I take out several of their feathers, (from all over...face, neck, fluffy egg butts) wash them, let them dry & put them in a little Ziploc or a medicine bottle. I label the bag/bottle with each hen or rooster's name & dates of arrival, date that they passed away & their approx age.

Each one has a special place that they're buried in & each one gets a funeral, some prayers and is remembered. I share the news that "someone passed away" with the rest of the flock & sometimes a little chicken therapy is all that can make me feel better.

I'm sorry for the sudden loss of Lightening & hope that someone else steps in to fill her place & gets more familiar with you. Chickens are amazing creatures, as you know, and they have a great capacity to surprise & delight you.

Judging by what you said about her passing & how sudden it was, it doesn't sound like you were doing anything wrong or that you could've prevented it. And no, I have no reason to suspect that the rest of the flock will suddenly pass, either. Answers may help to calm those thoughts & give you some insight.

I hope that makes you feel a wee bit better. This really is THE worst part of having chickens, so I feel for you...we all do. 😢

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