My Chicken Tractor/coop


12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Grenada, MS
I only have two banties so it is small, 4' wide x 5' long x 5' tall. We are going to improve it at some point, but for now it works. We can slide it but it is a bit heavy. Tried to make it so it would not turn over since in with the goats!!

Here is the side view, excuse my daughters pj's:


And here is the nesting/roosting area:

What do you think? Ok for a first attempt and using scrap lumber??

I like it, I went to TSC and asked them for their scrap lumber from crates and stuff and I will be adding on to my coop. Thanks for posting the picture, I know it has been a while!
That is an old post. Not sure how it got back to the top. That coop was our first and has since been re-modeled. The chicken wire was not a good idea. Covered it with wood. Thanks for the comments though.

It is about the same, just closed in with wood and left vents at the top. Put nest boxes on the floor due to holding silkies. Have a ladder type of roost for the ones that will roost.


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