My chickens are eating feathers! Yikes!

What is the protein amount of the layer that your using and what type of protein treats?
So I finally got back to this. They are on 16% protein, layer pellets. I have been giving them sunflower seeds in the AM with their whole corn ration. I put blue-kote on the raw spots of birds that have been pecked... it has helped those birds. I have a few birds that areas of their bum pare lacking feathers. I have rearranged their roosts to give them more room, so I hope that will help. I have looked for evidence of mites, and do not see any.
Try a whole flock feed like Flock Raiser, 20% protein, with oyster shell on the side. Corn and sunflower seeds will lower the protein and balance of the layer ration, unless in small quantities. Some mites are hard to find, only at night with a flashlight. It's also normal for them to eat feathers or anything they can catch! Mary
Try a whole flock feed like Flock Raiser, 20% protein, with oyster shell on the side. Corn and sunflower seeds will lower the protein and balance of the layer ration, unless in small quantities. Some mites are hard to find, only at night with a flashlight. It's also normal for them to eat feathers or anything they can catch! Mary

Thank you. On my next purchase I will change. I do provide oyster shell on the side already.
Our hens are and rooster have there necks about bald from them eating each others feathers off. We tried sunflower seeds and that didn't help. May try cat food?
Well I caught my rooster yesterday running after a hen. He's a younger rooster. And he picked some feathers off of her and then he stopped to eat them. I have a doubt that it is a lack of protein or calcium. I have a sneaking suspicion it was him just trying to get him some and he just happened to get some feathers instead.
My chickens eat 16% layer feed. That is supplemented later in the day with oat meal (cooked and served warm on cold days), black oil sunflower seeds, chopped and softened apples (microwaved) cut up bananas, live meal worms (excellent source of animal protein), chopped fresh grass, and more! They are the picture of health and lay enormous eggs. You can`t close jumbo cartons. Obviously, they don`t get all that stuff every day, but some combination with the emphasis on the worms and seeds. Yet the still eat feathers but only the softer molted ones. I`m thinking they eat them because they are there. Anyone who raises chicken knows what I mean.
I will probably have to try the sunflower seeds since I can't seem to peel hard boiled eggs without tearing the eggs to shreads. I have tried everything to make hard boiled eggs, I've put salt in the water then cool them off fast in ice water but they are near impossible to peel.

Do I need to get the shelled sunflower seeds?

I've learned how to get good peeling eggs......make sure your eggs are older ( right now I depend on store bought eggs so I rotate them when I buy a new carton), bring them to room temperature before adding them to the pot and whaw lah!!!! Should peel like a dream.....hope this helps.
I know this sounds weird, but it works beautifully - boil the water first and then put the eggs in (lower them in gently with a ladle or slotted spoon.) Boil chicken eggs for roughly 14 minutes and then drain and add cold water (you can use ice but cold tap water works fine for me). Keep draining and adding cold water until the eggs are cool. No need to add salt or anything to the water and the shells come right off. Learned it on another thread posted here somewhere and you can take an egg right out of the nest, boil it, and peel it using this method.

To feed them to the chickens though, don't bother peeling. Just crush everything up and let them have at it. Feathers are all protein and when chicks are young or moulting, feathers are a delicacy. If they are plucking from the others and eating, I agree it is a deficiency. Dry cat/kitten food is high in protein and they love it.
gonna try your way too!!!!

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