My chickens are fighting

sebright raiser

In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 7, 2013
Well i got full grown golden sebrights two weeks ago ( im new at chickens and new on the site ) and my mom got them from a some one she works with and on wednsday he told my mom he gots two more chickens so she siad she will ask my dad about it and today he came and put them in our cage there where the two sebrights ( roo and hen ) started fighting the roo hen rose comes !! And they fought each other and there was blood every all four are alive but exahsted and my question is that is it good to separate the roo and hen rose come and put the hen with my two sebrights and is yes how i really need help ( i cant make them free roam they fly) (today the rose comes escaped and my dogs cased the hen and the roo flew after we seperated the fight we caught him) is there a chance i can still have the sebrights and the other hen together or just give them back i want harmonry but idk what to do HELP PLEASE!!!
You could give back the offenders OR you could separate rose combs from the sebrights -divide their pen with wire for now, so they can see each other but not fight. After a period of time they should settle down. Hopefully then you could try and re-introduce them together watching carefully to stop any renewed aggression.

Who started the fight? Was it hens or the rooster? You could separate the troublemaker from the others and see if they get along better without him/her. Chickens do fight and determine pecking order - . Sometimes putting the offender in' time out' (housed away from the others) for a few days will lower it's standing within the flock and lessen aggression.

This is an age old battle chicken people deal with world wide - knowing when to introduce new birds to an existing flock. Or bringing in young chicks and integrating them etc. There are many ,many
questions and answers to this. I'm sure others will offer their 2 cents to this and you will find a solution.

I dont know how started the fight becase when i came everything had already happen i sispect the sebright roo he is the most fiesty one i hrabed the rose come he didnt peck but the sebright attacks my arm here r some photos
[/IMG] i have them separated i know about the pecking order but this is too much the hen was even attacking the roo my area is too small i want to keep the rose comes there more dosiel but i siad i was keeping my sebrigths soo any ideas

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