My chickens are holding secret meetings....

Oh boy.. someone was listening to Rusty yesterday,
and it WAS NOT a chicken!

I found a duck egg in the duck pen this morning.
yeah! Our first duck egg!


I just went out to the chicken coop.. and ah-ha.. they will NOT be outdone by ducks!

lol! Here is Star in a nest box,
with Rusty.. ummmm.. "egging" her on!
I have nicknamed him "Coach Rusty".


I took three pictures.. she is just so cute!!!


lol.. think she is straining?

Ha ha...look at Coach Rusty.

How fatherly of him.

I remember with my second child at one point I told my mom to go ahead and take my first child home for a nap and to come back later.

My husband comes back from getting himself some coffee notices my mom and our dd are gone and asks in a whiney voice, "What am I supposed to do?"

I told him- the same thing you'd do if we were at tv and sit with me...i just gave birth!

I tell ya...

Star has laid 4 eggs... one a day, and they are beautiful eggs!
Yesterday, they were ALL in the coop.. cheering her on again.
I went in the house and shortly after heard an awful ruckus
outside in the coop and run. The ducks too! I thought that
maybe something tried to get them. When I went out,
Rusty and Star were in the coop bagawking. I think that
they were all cheering that Star had just laid her egg
because there it was, underneath her in the nest box.

silly birds!

Here are her eggs.....

well, I went out to collect egg, and her sister Crystal is laying now as well!!! So I got 2 eggs. You can see Rusty's feathers in the nest, so I am sure he was doing some more coaching today!

Congrats on those beautiful eggs!
Now if my girls would just start laying, I would really be eggcited.


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