My chickens are laying small eggs


May 20, 2015
Norwich uk
hi I'm new here
I have recently become a chicken owner and have got 8 point of lay hens which I love
They are now laying but these are small eggs is this normal at first or am I doing something wrong, I have all the feed which was recommended ??
Please help put my mind at ease
Thanks x
When a hen first starts laying she will lay smaller eggs. They'll be random sizes, may even have a few shell less eggs while she figures it out. That's normal, so don't be worried. Its all in the process of learning how to be a chicken. Often when a hen first starts laying they're referred to as pullet eggs
Perfectly normal. These are called 'pullet eggs' and they can be TINY (I've gotten some that are no bigger than a quarter) or normal sized. Make sure you are offering them crushed oyster shell to help with their calcium intake. Give them a few weeks for the eggs to reach their full size. Congrats on the full fledged hens!

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