my chickens are scared of me:(


Apr 16, 2022
Provo, Utah
we have five chickens who are ten weeks old, and they are very skitterish. they live outside in the coop, without any other chickens. Once they are picked up they love it. They let you pet them and hold them when they’re on the ground. They are scared of you though, and always run away from you when you walk into the run and don’t come close to you. If you try to pet them, they run away unless you are already holding them. How do we make them? Trust us more and not be scared of us being near them, or trying to pick them up? They hate being picked up most of all.
At that age, I like to handfeed as much as possible. Initially, just holding your hand, full of food, over their food dish. Sometimes they will just ignore you, eventually someone will be eating from your hand, eventually someone will be standing in your hand. After some attempts with good success, approach low and slow and pet the side of the chicken. Don't corner and don't approach from above - these are predator moves. Ideally, they should ignore you and focus on the food. If they skitter, let them run and eventually come back to eat more.
Just before they start to lay, when they do "the squat," is when they won't run away from you and will have grown out of this. FOR NEXT TIME however.... Give this a read!! It's a real game changer, made me think about thing's I'd never considered with chicks, like how it feels to them to be in tubs with our hands/arms reaching down in from above. I now brood outside, in a brooder room, they love me from day 1, even to much, won't leave me alone, lol.
As much as possible, let them come to you for pets and snuggles. Offer them food or treats like apple pieces from you hand - hold onto the apple piece and let them peck small bites. If they grab or peck too hard, give them a gentle tap with your finger so they know that is not appropriate. Sit so you are closer to their level. Spend as much time with them as you can.
Do know that even the friendliest lap chickens don't always enjoy being picked up even if they enjoy being held:)
They also seem to know if you are going to pick them up for health care. I have 5 chickens who love to sit on my lap and be carried around. They often come to me and tap my leg with their beak if they want to be held. Every single one of them will also run away if they think I am going to pick them up for things like medication or lice/mite checks🙄
Just before they start to lay, when they do "the squat," is when they won't run away from you and will have grown out of this. FOR NEXT TIME however.... Give this a read!! It's a real game changer, made me think about thing's I'd never considered with chicks, like how it feels to them to be in tubs with our hands/arms reaching down in from above. I now brood outside, in a brooder room, they love me from day 1, even to much, won't leave me alone, lol.
That is a great article! When we brood indoors, we use a dog crate lined with window screen. We also set up a half circle pen around the entrance so we could sit by the door and let the chicks walk around and over us. One of our girls just hatched out chicks and she lets them play on us too 😄

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