My chickens aren't very kind......HELP!

I have 4 rir and 2 buff orps. The rir are mean to everbody but me and cant free range because the are mean to the dogs. They have been that way since I got them. I can hold them they come to me but they seem to be mean to everybody else. The buffs free range in the backyard and will eat with the dogs and even try to steal thier treats. They come running when you open the back door, you can pick them up and they will even jump into your lap. The rir are very mean to the buffs so I have to keep them apart. I think that the breed matters but I have learned every chicken is different.
Thank you everyone for your replies and advice!
I am going to try spending more time by the coop doing yard work and stuff, but not staring at them. Hopefully, this will help them realize its just me, and I'm not going to hurt them.

thanks again!

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