Have had trouble with crows taking chicken food so decided to roof over the chicken coop. Also ,y chickens were breaking out into the m-i-lw's garden next door and making a mess. pooing everywhere. So, I roofed it. Just need to extend the gate height to the roof and presto, chicken proof run. However, I let them in my garden all day. With having guests for dinner, and their little boy being nervous of the chickens I put them back in the run. While having dinner this evening, my m-i-l came banging on the back door to tell me there was murder going on..
A chancy crow had flown in the only gap above the gate door, about 18 inches square and got in woth the chiockens and couldn't get out. They tormented the crow!! Feathers everywhere, black corw feathers!! I ended up shooing the corw into the coop, shutting the door and letting out eh back door into the garden. Don't think that one will be coming back for an easy meal!!!
I saw 30+ crows there recently stealing food, so my sympathies are non-existent here...
A chancy crow had flown in the only gap above the gate door, about 18 inches square and got in woth the chiockens and couldn't get out. They tormented the crow!! Feathers everywhere, black corw feathers!! I ended up shooing the corw into the coop, shutting the door and letting out eh back door into the garden. Don't think that one will be coming back for an easy meal!!!
I saw 30+ crows there recently stealing food, so my sympathies are non-existent here...