My chickens didn't much appreciate the Quaker guy

My birds aren't picky because I rarely give the same treat 2 days in a row. I keep BOSS on STANDBY so if I don;t have any or not nuch then they still get something. I did read that the oatmeal is better digested & therefore more nutritional if cooked. Made sense to me.
My chickens like their oatmeal uncooked. And it's a good thing too, because my DH would shoot me if I started cooking breakfast for the chickens when I never cook it for him.
I always start giving different foods to my chicks when they are young, that way they know if I'm offering them something it must be food and quite likely very good! The only thing mine have ever turned their beaks up at was raw onions, but I don't really blame them there.
My hens would not touch the oatmeal I cooked for them either. ...until I stirred in some scratch grains, then it was all gone in minutes!
I throw it out in the yard uncooked.I did add hot water to layer pellets for a warm meal.The cooked oats stuck like glue to their face,so I just give that raw.

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