my chickens dont seem to be getting along.....


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 27, 2014
This is our first time owning chickens and we have 4 Rhode Island reds and 3 top hats. the reds are about 5 months and the top hats are 3 months. we have a fairly large coup with plenty of room but it seems as if the reds are running the top hats out into the weather. the tops spend the night in the far corner of their run instead of the coup. just curious if this is normal behavior and anything to be concerned about.
Thanks should I be concerned about this? Or do they just work it out on their own.
I don't think you need to be too worried unless feather picking occurs or you start to see blood or bald patches on your chickens. I've never kept RIRs before but I have kept red hybrid layers which were bred originally bred from RIRs, they don't really like other chickens but I have never had serious problems with them. Your chickens will probably sort it all out.

Do your chickens seem to be eating enough?
I think they eat plenty and otherwise seem to do fine.My concern was that bad weather such as today (cold and rainy Colorado) doesn't seem to change much the top hats are still huddled up outside. Should I shut them in the coup during bad weather.

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