My Chickens Finally Tested My Patience

Different species, similar anger: My Dalmatian, Dotty, once ate an ENTIRE one POUND box of Godiva chocolates. Yes, I know, chocolate is supposed to be TOXIC to dogs. She didn't even get the runs. Looked at me the same way as the greenhouse chickens that LottieDa mentioned, "Ooooh thanks ma, that was delicious."

Thankfully, my husband went out the next day and replaced the box of chocolates. (I had earned them by getting on the Dean's list in college.)
I think the one in the front is the ring
but really sorry for your mess
hope they do well in their new home sweet home
Ah the fun of bored 6 week olds....yes have been there luckily their brooder was in the bathroom and the door was closed while we were gone....the mess was contained to tile, linoleum and porcelain and easy clean albeit it a task. hahahahaha
Oh, I'm sure we were a sight...probably one that most people would run from. XD

LOL, yeah stories like this are always entertaining when they're not involving the people doing the reading.
It's only been two days, but now that the rug is steam cleaned and all is well, it is easier to chuckle about.

I know, right? Something so cute and inherently innocent.....YEAH RIGHT, now I know better!

Oh, I'd have died. I can clean a carpet in a matter of hours, but you sure can't replace plants that fast. Yikes! Fortunately, our garden already has deer fence around it, which will be plenty good to keep our chickens from following in the footsteps of yours.

I've always heard that animals make us healthier and live longer by reducing stress.....I am finding so many discrepancies in this thread alone! ...fart-tards...
gig.gif it!

Ours had apparently visited our bed because we found two poops on it. So the coverlet hit the wash on "sanitize" somewhere in the cleaning flurry that ensued.

If I wouldn't have been on the verge of a meltdown, I probably would have thought to take a picture (if nothing else, to remind us of what could happen with chicks in the future). Never thought to get a camera.

Oh, you got that right! Since this is our first experience with chickens, everyone we told/found out we were getting them kept asking if we were going to eat them. I personally, have an unavoidable habit of bonding with any animal within my care, so the answer has always been no. I told my DH the night this happened, though, that incidents like this were apt to change my mind for me.

Yep, we've been through poop festivals with other species in the past. Our cats, most notably, which we found as 2 week old strays in a shed at work, "poo fingerpainted" our bathroom for us TWICE when they were still learning to use a litter box and were quarantined to the bathroom. At least they were hard, easily cleanable surfaces, but the smell and sight....AAAAUUUGH!!

Oh no way! Two of them zipped right back into the brooder like guilty birds they were! If we have chicken invaders, I'm moving out!

She absolutely is, no joke! ...and she was one of the two sitting on the cat tree staring at us like, "What?"

They're doing well so far. Last night was their second night out and they put themselves to bed in the coop while we were putting in the grounding rods for their electric fence.

We'll have to build on a bigger bathroom so that we could put a brooder in it before we get any more chicks!
That is hilarious!! Glad its easier to find it comical after the carpets have been steam cleaned (I know that feeling!!).

Here's my story, albeit of a different species. We had goats a few years ago, and would sometimes let them up around the house to clean up some of the brush and weeds. Well... one day, my daughter had been outside playing in the morning, like she often does, and when she came back inside, she didn't shut the door tightly enough... you can see where this is leading.

The goats, during the course of the day while I was at work, managed to open the door to the house. Of course they were in there for a minimum of a couple hours, with goat urine and manure ALL over the house
On my bed, my floor, EVERYWHERE! With as much damage as goats can do, I suppose I'm lucky they didn't do more, but we came awfully close to eating cabrito for dinner
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I think you're telling tales on them. They look perfectly innocent to me.

Just when you think you're going to tear your hair out from their antics, they do something cute and you say, "Awwww, they're so blasted cute".
It's like everything fell right into place...for the goats! Did they eat/chew anything up in the house or just take the grand tour?

They do! It must be an underhanded survival tactic.
Just checking to see how you all made out. Hope there's no stains left behind and your little fuzzies did well their first night booted out

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