My Chickens just don't get it!!!

Just a heads up, If you live where it gets below freezing, they will freeze. If your in a warm climate, no problem.
Yep, true. Buuutt...they’re one of the easiest summertime heat solutions down here in south Louisiana. If you’ve seen these specific cups, you’ll notice they’re quite a bit larger than most watering cups on the market. RentACoop designed them in such a way so that when they drink, the cup itself is large enough that they will be dipping/submerging their wattles into the water while they’re drinking. Thus, effectively facilitating a few body heat reduction processes. Wattles release heat...water transfers & absorbs heat from the body...water evaporating off the wetted wattles then transfers even more heat away from their body. But, yes, you’ll have to find another watering method or way to keep them from freezing in winter temps. And besides all the normal contaminants that end up in any watering cups, you’ll also be contending with whatever rinses off the wattles and into the cup. For me tho, the Pros extremely outweigh any of the Cons!

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