I have been waiting and reading and have finally decided to keep my own record of my flock in one place. And the BYC is more reliable than my brain. So now a proper introduction! I currently have twoish flocks. In the Big chickens flock, I have a RIR rooster named Terry the Terror Bird though I think he is really quite sweet. Three Buff Orpingtons Betty, Quaffle and Flopsy. Six RIR hens I can't remember all their names! Two Barred rocks well, possibly one I haven't seen Badger since Monday morning while they were free ranging, and her sister Boss who I have managed to keep track if. One EE named Stormy. Technically two but Cuddles lives in the little chicken flock. One Silkie rooster, Mr. Pickles I have no idea what color he is I hand picked him at the hatchery. One Cayuga duck named Darkwing and one Muscovy Crested duck cross named Nugget. And one rabbit named Ebony. Oh haha I also forgot Betty the Buff Orpington had chicks a few weeks ago. Three RIR chicks one possibly Barredrock/RIR and two Buff orpington/RIR their names are Pumpkin, Bubbles, Public Nuasance, Tom, Bigbird and Toastie. I will probably update this thread everyday or most likely more often. I hope someone enjoys hearing me ramble about my chooks!