My chickens, (Keeping track of my flock in one place.)


🐓 Silkie Queen 🐓
8 Years
Mar 18, 2016
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
I have been waiting and reading and have finally decided to keep my own record of my flock in one place. And the BYC is more reliable than my brain. So now a proper introduction! I currently have twoish flocks. In the Big chickens flock, I have a RIR rooster named Terry the Terror Bird though I think he is really quite sweet. Three Buff Orpingtons Betty, Quaffle and Flopsy. Six RIR hens I can't remember all their names! Two Barred rocks well, possibly one I haven't seen Badger since Monday morning while they were free ranging, and her sister Boss who I have managed to keep track if. One EE named Stormy. Technically two but Cuddles lives in the little chicken flock. One Silkie rooster, Mr. Pickles I have no idea what color he is I hand picked him at the hatchery. One Cayuga duck named Darkwing and one Muscovy Crested duck cross named Nugget. And one rabbit named Ebony. Oh haha I also forgot Betty the Buff Orpington had chicks a few weeks ago. Three RIR chicks one possibly Barredrock/RIR and two Buff orpington/RIR their names are Pumpkin, Bubbles, Public Nuasance, Tom, Bigbird and Toastie. I will probably update this thread everyday or most likely more often. I hope someone enjoys hearing me ramble about my chooks!
I have been waiting and reading and have finally decided to keep my own record of my flock in one place. And the BYC is more reliable than my brain. So now a proper introduction! I currently have twoish flocks. In the Big chickens flock, I have a RIR rooster named Terry the Terror Bird though I think he is really quite sweet. Three Buff Orpingtons Betty, Quaffle and Flopsy. Six RIR hens I can't remember all their names! Two Barred rocks well, possibly one I haven't seen Badger since Monday morning while they were free ranging, and her sister Boss who I have managed to keep track if. One EE named Stormy. Technically two but Cuddles lives in the little chicken flock. One Silkie rooster, Mr. Pickles I have no idea what color he is I hand picked him at the hatchery. One Cayuga duck named Darkwing and one Muscovy Crested duck cross named Nugget. And one rabbit named Ebony. Oh haha I also forgot Betty the Buff Orpington had chicks a few weeks ago. Three RIR chicks one possibly Barredrock/RIR and two Buff orpington/RIR their names are Pumpkin, Bubbles, Public Nuasance, Tom, Bigbird and Toastie. I will probably update this thread everyday or most likely more often. I hope someone enjoys hearing me ramble about my chooks!
Today my sister made the sad discovery that my broody hen Betty is missing chick. Betty didn't seem frantic I think she knows she won't be seeing her chick again but she is also very busy. She still has five little ones to take care of after all! I don't think we will be seeing her chick again or my Barred Rock who went missing 3 days ago. Sadly my property is littered with predators it could have been almost anything that took them. We have racoons, possums, coyotes, owls, hawks, dogs, and a bobcat. It was really hot out today so I gave the chickens a big tub of ice water, everyone enjoyed that! The tornado sirens went off, it was just a test but it scared my lone barred rock Boss quite a bit!
Oh, and while I am thinking about it does anyone know what color my silkie rooster is? I though he was splash but now I am doubting that.
I am back again! I just did a chicken head count this morning, ugh I am missing another RIR! That means that I have officially lost half my flock to random predators and diseases. They aren't even 2 yrs old yet! Some are younger than that. I guess I am lucky Betty went broody now I have 6 replacement chicks. Hopefully mostly pullets. Oh, wait 5 now predators ate one yesterday. :barnie Oh well, what can I do? Its not like their coop isn't safe. Its the safest place for chickens on my property, its just when they free range and then I go to do a head count at night and one is almost always missing. I might just confine them to their coop and run from now on. I have also noticed a change in my attitude towards missing chickens, when they first started disappearing I was so mad at myself I wandered through the woods for 3 days trying to find my hen. Now I just sigh and move on with chores.
Well I went out into the coop today and found a surprise. The RIR I thought I had lost, she is back! I couldn't find her Wednesday night and she just popped up today. I just stared at her for a while, I don't think I will ever understand chickens. She just APPEARS! :idunno I had all the doors locked, I don't know how she could have gotten in but she sure wasn't there last night. I also saw a coyote just trotting through my yard. It made my duck so mad! She was hissing and chirping and being an angry duck. Me and the dogs made sure our presence was known. I don't need anymore chickens disappearing or reappearing in my RIR's case. But I am happy now, after a few days straight of nothing but chickens disappearing today was nice. I got some mealworms so all the chickens are happy too! :woot
Haha I think I scared everyone away. Oh well, Betty took her babies out today. I got some really good pictures. I thought she left behind two but they were sun bathing. So now I present to anyone still listening my chicken photo show!! 20220708_190117.jpg 20220708_190058.jpg 20220708_185955.jpg 20220708_185948.jpg 20220708_165713.jpg 20220708_165703.jpg

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