my chickens' reaction to fake eggs


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 11, 2014
I just bought some 16 week old hens that I have had for about a week. We bought three buff orpingtons and one silver laced wyandott. I know they're getting close to laying, so I thought I'd put a fake egg in each of the nest boxes to show them where to lay and to encourage them (not sure how well it will work but thought it was worth a try :)) Anyway, I just went out to see what they were up to and all four of them were sitting in the egg boxes (two to a box)! Are they trying to hatch the eggs? They've shown little interest in the boxes before this. At 16 weeks, could they be laying now? These are my first chickens so all advice is appreciated :)
that is hilarious they are probably broody and ive never herd of a chicken going broody before laying eggs
They came out eventually and spent the rest of the day in the run. They're roosting now so I think everything is ok. Sadly, no eggs
That's so normal I had a 10 or 12 week old girl sit on a golf ball for 5 minutes at least today it was hilarious nature tells the hens what to do the girls get to choose where

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