My chickens will not get out of the rain, even at night

Yes, I agree that hardy chickens can also hibernate outside if you’re climate isn’t too harsh.

Maybe it's an idea to just let them choose where they want to sleep? chickens will actually go to sleep indoors if they prefer it there. Some things they can figure out for themselves.

As long as there is no predator issue and you have a safe run you can choose not to interfere.
Wow. I wish I had the nerve to do that. I'd have to rig up a temp roofing over where they perch. We'll see how this effort goes. If it's impossible to keep them in the coop, I may relent. Hmm.
Have you had chickens for 7-8 year...and never had this problem before?
We have not had chickens for the past 2 years. About 10 or so years ago we got our first 4 little chicks. All we had was the coop, no run. So they grew up in the coop (and free ranged). Then we added the run, and a rooster. And they hatched chicks who grew up in the coop. And then we took a break and had no chickens, and I would have stayed like that except for the virus, so I mail ordered 9 chicks from a hatchery and we raised them in the house until they were feathered and then let them live in the spacious open run (or coop, but they stayed in the run). And that's where they have slept ever since. I had no idea chickens wouldn't rather sleep in a cozy, warmer, sheltered coop, like all my other chickens seemed to like. Surely they would migrate into the coop when it rained, and got terribly cold. But no. So here we are.
Thanks guys. By the time I closed them up tonight they were already roosting in the run IN THE RAIN when it's supposed to get to 31F tonight... I tried to entice them into the coop but they were in sleep mode. Tomorrow I will catch them when they go into the coop to roost, I will block off the chicken doorway to the run, get them all in the coop with fresh veggies, then close the door behind them. They should have enough space because my flock before was as big as about 14 and they fit on the roosts. These chickens have never once sat on the roosts in the coop. I've never known a critter not to have the sense to get out of the rain, but old habits die hard.... lol. I love them tho. They're sweet. :love
I dont have a problem with my chickens going to roost in their coop (they are free range/no run), but i will say my chickens LOVE rain! If its like absolutely pouring, they will hudle under the vehicles or something, but other than that, they're having a grand ol time out in it. They dont seem to mind the cold either. They're just as eager to get out of the coop in the mornings with snow and cold, as they are in the warmer months. Maybe the coop door is to small for their comfort. Maybe their body heat combined is uncomfortable in the coop. Maybe its to cramped. Maybe the air or oxygen is to stiff in the coop... Maybe they just prefer it outside. Chickens are pretty good at making good decisions for themselves and their health, believe it or not.
After a month of failed attempts at training my pullets to go to roost I realized the street light was why they preferred the run so I added a light. After gradually reducing the wattage until they only had a 15 watt led bulb I changed it to a solar powered motion light.:D

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