My chickens won't go into the coop at dusk on their own

you have stated that you already have a light on in there, good..

all sorts of birds will more easily go toward the lightest area..

when I chase my geese and ducks in the dark, I carry a flashlight and shine it where I want them to go..
It makes herding them much easier

I agree with the other statement that those few chickens don't figure it is dark enough outside to go inside yet.. I have a couple like that..

chickens are creatures of habit.. If you are catching them everynight and putting them to bed, it could become a ritual.. chase them in on their own power..
I think WoodlandWoman it totally right. Last summer, mine would return to the coop like clockwork. No light, no treats. They had been freeranging all day, and it was the "right" thing to do.

When I went back to work (I am a teacher) they only got to freerange after I got home. They were not ready to go to bed when it got dark. They looked like they were saying, "Hey, no way, I just got out here." So, I put a light in the coop. That helped them a lot. Still, there were times when I had to give them a handful of cracked corn as a bribe, which worked like a charm.

There were times when they just didn't want to go along with the plan. It seemed like the lights from the house (urban chickens) confused them and left them foraging.

I suspect that they know exactly what to do, but us crazy humans confuse them with our world of artificial light. Still, at some point they need to be safely tucked into bed. I go with the light in the coop and treats. Next summer, mine will probably do it completely on their own again.

Good luck!
No, they aren't roosting outside they are usually out in the pen from 9am-5:30pm. They haven't free ranged yet,I'm still trying to get this part done before I begin a new adventure. I do give them treats in the morning when I first go to let them out, then once in the middle of the day and again at bedtime. I usually start by putting greens on the walkway up to the coop and the buffs and lady brahma will go up. The brahama roo and lady cochin usually run to the back of the pen ( under the coop- 3 1/2 ft off the ground) I try to bribe them out and then have to catch them, I hate to do this because it seems to scare them, I always hold them, talk to them and feed them their goodies before putting them in. Once in they all get more treats.

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