My chicks are allergic to... new experiences?

I believe itšŸ’ I have an overly dramatic duck "Yellow". If I put any form of bandage on her she will act like she is dying. I'm talking practically scream quaking, laying down like her feet aren't working, panting the whole nine yards. The first time it happened I thought I wrapped her foot too tight, but when I checked it I could stick a finger under her wrap no problem. So I decided to do a test, took the first bandage off and loosely wrapped a big loop of vet wrap around her foot. It was so loose that if she would have walked away instead of being dramatic acting like she was on deaths door the piece of wrap would have fallen right off, but nope. She decided to act like this piece of wrap that was barely even hanging on her foot was killing her. If I wouldn't have seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. I even brought my husband out to watch my vet wrap experiment with the Yellow Diva just to clarify that I wasn't loosing my mind.
I had an olive egger like that. Everything I did was *THE WORST*
I believe itšŸ’ I have an overly dramatic duck "Yellow". If I put any form of bandage on her she will act like she is dying. I'm talking practically scream quaking, laying down like her feet aren't working, panting the whole nine yards. The first time it happened I thought I wrapped her foot too tight, but when I checked it I could stick a finger under her wrap no problem. So I decided to do a test, took the first bandage off and loosely wrapped a big loop of vet wrap around her foot. It was so loose that if she would have walked away instead of being dramatic acting like she was on deaths door the piece of wrap would have fallen right off, but nope. She decided to act like this piece of wrap that was barely even hanging on her foot was killing her. If I wouldn't have seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. I even brought my husband out to watch my vet wrap experiment with the Yellow Diva just to clarify that I wasn't loosing my mind.
LOL THE DRAMA!!! Few things are more dramatic sounding than a diva duck, I can hear her now... šŸ˜‚
I just thought to point out... there is one common denominator with all of these new experiences... You.
Do you wear perfume?
Strongly scented soap?
What kind of laundry detergent?
Bird respiratory systems are quite sensitive. But they shouldn't have a problem with most of the "nature" stuff that can play havoc with us (I say this while heavily dosed with Claritin due to neighboring farms ragweed).
So, it's more likely to be human stuff they are allergic to.
I haven't heard of sneezing as a learned behavioral trait, it seems really unlikely. Most likely is that there really is something in the air that's irritating their systems. Sneezing alone isn't a sign of any infection so I wouldn't worry about that unless you see other symptoms. But the stress from poor air quality can predispose them to other issues.
I just thought to point out... there is one common denominator with all of these new experiences... You.
Yeah that's a fair point. Though in my case they were raised in the laundry room (that's about the only 'fragrance' in the house), and they sneezed whether or not I was with them outside as chicks. But definitely something to consider for anyone brooding indoors.
I just thought to point out... there is one common denominator with all of these new experiences... You.
Do you wear perfume?
Strongly scented soap?
What kind of laundry detergent?
Bird respiratory systems are quite sensitive. But they shouldn't have a problem with most of the "nature" stuff that can play havoc with us (I say this while heavily dosed with Claritin due to neighboring farms ragweed).
So, it's more likely to be human stuff they are allergic to.
I haven't heard of sneezing as a learned behavioral trait, it seems really unlikely. Most likely is that there really is something in the air that's irritating their systems. Sneezing alone isn't a sign of any infection so I wouldn't worry about that unless you see other symptoms. But the stress from poor air quality can predispose them to other issues.
Definitely a good point, but I hold them several times a day near where there brooder is located in my finished basement! I don't wear any perfume, non-scented laundry detergent (and they are near the laundry area just like Maryn7's are). So I think in this instance that isn't a common denominator, as it's only been when they are truly experiencing something new and they deal with me picking them up and carrying them around all the time with no sneeze attacks! So it really is odd because it's only happened outdoors (which I assumed was some exposure to an allergen), and inside on my couch while being fed a new food... other times on the couch it hasn't happened. Just so very odd...
I believe itšŸ’ I have an overly dramatic duck "Yellow". If I put any form of bandage on her she will act like she is dying. I'm talking practically scream quaking, laying down like her feet aren't working, panting the whole nine yards. The first time it happened I thought I wrapped her foot too tight, but when I checked it I could stick a finger under her wrap no problem. So I decided to do a test, took the first bandage off and loosely wrapped a big loop of vet wrap around her foot. It was so loose that if she would have walked away instead of being dramatic acting like she was on deaths door the piece of wrap would have fallen right off, but nope. She decided to act like this piece of wrap that was barely even hanging on her foot was killing her. If I wouldn't have seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. I even brought my husband out to watch my vet wrap experiment with the Yellow Diva just to clarify that I wasn't loosing my mind.
oh my goodness thatā€™s hilarious šŸ˜‚

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