My Chicks Are Here!!!

How much space should they have right now? We built the brooder so there would be 1.8 sq ft per chick, and I have it divided now figuring I'd move the divider as they grow. I thought I had read I needed to worry about them wandering away from the heat lamp and not knowing how to get back? Sorry if that sounds stupid!! I was wondering if I should try to dropper some of the electrolyte water into the girl who is sleeping all the time?

I expected them to be cute, but I underestimated the cuteness factor!! Wasn't prepared for such fluffy little butts, and Akita people love them some fluffy butts

Okay, off to feed dogs, will try to post some pics after dog dinners!



Here's all I have for now. Will try to get better pics of everyone soon, but the flash really startled them and I felt bad!! The girl with all the yellow on her head is the one I'm worried about
Looks good in these pics, but is mostly just sleeping...
Just keep doing what you are doing for the little sleepy chick. She could have had a longer hatch and is still tired. One of my six Australorps was always timid and not very active, slept a lot, off by herself, and while in the brooder she was way smaller than the other five. Since they have been out in the coop and run, she is still the most timid, but she is the same size as the rest. They are 13 weeks old, and just in the last month I can't pick her out unless something scares her--then she turns back into Henny Penny and I know it is her.
Thanks, I will chill out
They are so funny! Her sister seems to be the boldest one, goes right up to my hand to peck it! Then I went in to clean the brooder, and they were all sleeping, so I let them be. Came out and told DH "They are all sleeping." No sooner did I sit down and we could hear them cheeping. He said "I thought you said they were sleeping!" I said "They were!" I went in and someone must have stepped on someone else because they all seemed to be settling back down for a nap. The "feisty" Wynandotte girl just bulldozes through everyone if they are in her way! None of them seem very shy at all. I've seen everyone get at least one drink, so at least I know they all know where the water is!
The little yellow headed girl is still not well, just not thriving at all it seems to me. She barely wakes up if I pick her up. I got her to drink a tiny bit more of the electrolyte water but couldn't really get her to eat any yogurt. How long should I let her go on like that? I don't want her to suffer but I don't want to cull her if she still has a chance. Yesterday she would wake up and move if one of her sisters stepped on her, but it seems like now she's not hardly doing that
One idea that I read... mix 2 tbsp of sugar with one quart of water. Mix the sugar water with their food to create a watery mash. Give them both the sugar water and sugary food. They sugar is suppose to help perk up little chicks. One warning, if they get any of it on their feathers, they get sticky.

Might be worth try...?!?
I do put the vitamins with electrolytes in the chicks water for their first couple of weeks. They will eat, sleep and poop a lot. I use a wire brooder. I have a coop also I use to brood the chicks.


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