My chicks came - some questions though UPDATE - PICS!!!


10 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Got my chicks yesterday morning (I know, I know - where are the pictures?) Everybody was alive and eating and drinking. When I came home there was one dead bantam in a puddle of goo - looked like snot. Everybody else still seems fine. Should I be concerned about the rest of them? What do you htink was wrong with it?

Also wondering about food. The crumbles are kind of big for them so they only eat the little pieces and leave the rest. Should I put the food in the food processor first?
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As for the dead chick, I'm not sure what that could have been.
If you got them from a hatchery, you probably don't have to worry about an illness and the rest will most likely be fine.

As for the food. If it's chick starter, you don't need to worry about grinding it up. Just as you said they will start with the smaller pieces and work their way up as they get a little bigger. ANd they will get bigger fast. If it makes you feel better though, it won't hurt anything to grind it up,
I got my 6 banty chicks 2 days ago. DH raises baby quail and always grinds their food in a food processor so I did the same for the banties. They seem to have an easier time eating it. I have one of those small cheapie food grinders and can do 2-3 cups for them which seems to last quite a while.

I did have to take my chicks off the quik chik, pasty butt struck the flock. Now it's just plain water and chick starter. Hope it clears up soon, keeping an eagle eye on them, and cleaning their little bitty butts with warm water.

Well, I put some feed in the food processor and just filled one of the feeders with it. It was so funny - they were all fighting to get to it and they ate so much they were all passed out around the feeder. Apparently tastes better when it's ground finer.

BTW, wondering if anyone else got huge EE's from Ideal. The sex links and wyandottes look so tiny compared the the EE's. The EE's also have really long fuzz, it almost looks like hair. Very strange.
Yes my EE's are much larger than my other chicks
. I ordered 3 EE's from them and one died suddenly on day 2. It had seemed fine. The other two are so big one jumped(flew) out of the bathtub on the fourth day I had them.
The EEs I got from Ideal are also larger than the other chicks...and they weren't the chipmunks I expected - they're grayish yellow and their wings are feathering in snowy white.
I was reading this post and my EEs are larger than my others as well (I recv'd mine this past Wed). Their legs are longer & thicker than the others, even the roosters I received. One of the 19 chicks we received, is me and my ds' favorite chick (an EE), which happens to be the largest chick. I was afraid she was going to bee a roo, but after reading this, I feel much better!

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