My chicks don't like meal worms?


5 Years
Oct 20, 2014
Portland, OR
I have six six-week-old pullets. I went to the feed store yesterday for more pine shavings and feed. While there, I became a little curious about a package of meal worms. I went ahead and bought a pack, along with a pack of "chick grit" because I thought I remember hearing something about needing to give them grit if you start feeding them stuff other than their feed.

Well, they certainly scratched around in the grit. But they don't like the meal worms! I tried crushing them up, even (ew), but they don't seem at all impressed. The only other treats that I give them are boiled eggs and plain greek yogurt, which they go absolutely CRAZY for (like jumping out of their brooder crazy).

I thought chickens were supposed to be CRAZY for meal worms! =/ Do Are yours???

I'm glad that I went with the smallest, cheapest bag. ^_^
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I am guessing the mealworms are dried. More than once I have purchased bags even my birds would not eat. They were somehow not properly prepared or went bad on the shelf. If you have the guts, then taste one. Good ones taste nutty while bad ones taste like moldy carpet. I prefer to by live ones in relative bulk then feed them out fast. They are far from economical but provide very high entertainment value.
I am guessing the mealworms are dried. More than once I have purchased bags even my birds would not eat. They were somehow not properly prepared or went bad on the shelf. If you have the guts, then taste one. Good ones taste nutty while bad ones taste like moldy carpet. I prefer to by live ones in relative bulk then feed them out fast. They are far from economical but provide very high entertainment value.
Yes, they are definitely dried... very dry, light, and crispy. I don't think I could possibly try tasting one myself, but maybe I could make my SO do it for me...Haha! Maybe I'll try finding some live ones. It would make sense, thinking about it, how live ones would be MUCH more appealing. I bet it's fun to watch the chaos that ensues. Until then, I'll probably just stick to the boiled eggs and greek yogurt. Maybe I'll start giving them some table scraps like lettuce, breads, etc. I saw a few videos on YouTube of chicks just going NUTS over meal worms, so I was hoping I'd get the same reaction out of mine. =P I guess I'll have to try live, wriggling worms... ick.
OK... I decided to make them a meal worm salad. ^_^ I'll have to see if all that is left is meal worms:

One layer of plain greek yogurt
A small handful of fresh lettuce

And a side of chick grit. =P

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