My Chinese White Goose can't walk, help needed urgently!


Apr 30, 2022
I noticed this week that one of my two chinese white geese was sitting down alot. But it would always come back home and would normally follow it's mate.
Tonight I put away my free ranging birds and it was in the coop. It is sitting down and when it tries to get up falls over.
I put it in a cage with food and water and the goose ate the food desperately. I am worried it may have not left the coop this morning.
What would cause this to happen? All my chickens and my other goose are acting normal.
Me and my family love are geese and haven't had one die and I would hate for our beloved goose to die.
The goose is a bit over a year old.
I also noticed it's chest is filthy with mud, but the rest of it is clean. Like it couldn't clean it's chest.
Any advice is needed and greatly welcomed.
Can your goose be in pain? Did you check for injuries? How are the wings? Can your goose moves his/her wings?
Today the goose is looking a bit better. I am still quarantining it until I figure out what's wrong.
Last night when it could stand it could use it wings as it was trying to balance itself with it's wings when it fell. Today is it standing up and quacking, thankfully.
I am going to look it over for signs of injury since it is still acting weird and I am still scared from last night.

The wings last night looked good, moving well.
I have t check it's feet again, last night one of it's feet might have looked a bit weird but it was dark and I couldn't tell.
I still have to check for injures since it is a free ranger and could get injured easy.
I can't tell if it's in pain. Last night it looked like it was, but today it seems a bit better.
I will update again soon, just in the middle of a school thing.
Can your goose be in pain? Did you check for injuries? How are the wings? Can your goose moves his/her wings?
maybe deficiency? what is feed please?
I checked her feet. I found no signs of bumblefoot, I wiped off her feathers on her chest since they were dirty from mud because she was sitting so much. I couldn't find signs of mites on her either, thankfully. Her wings are still strong, she quacked some today, and she is walking a bit more, but she was still sitting alot when I examined her earlier. She did try to get away from me for a second one time, which means she has energy, but she is having trouble balancing when she decides to walk.

I will keep giving updates, but I don't have more to say tonight.
Thank you @Stipenvlerk and @Abdul94 for responding to my thread, I greatly appreciate it.
i want everything ok for you.
Please check is enough B-2, D vitamins. Big bird needs much these. If not have, can make a weak system, look slow and weak. Sory about my english.
i want everything ok for you.
Please check is enough B-2, D vitamins. Big bird needs much these. If not have, can make a weak system, look slow and weak. Sory about my english.
Excuse me, but some foods of birds not enough vitamon mineral, so make weak, but make maker of food strong one.

Please if you come with me this sit see this, it is good for your goose. you check your food can see if the same. you know what i mean? Sry my english. I try hard.
I've been busy and I just remembered I haven't given an update.
My beloved goose is doing great! I plan to upload photos soon.
I think she just sprained her leg. She is walking around normal with her mate.

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