My Circus Life

Aunt Angus

5 Years
Jul 16, 2018
Nevada County, CA
Oh my gosh! So much has happened! Life has been very hard lately, and I have fallen out of touch with my BYC folx.

Hubby and I sold our house because we are planning to relocate to Humboldt County. We found a little farm by the sea. We got job offers. All was perfect!

Then COVID-19 happened. First, the people selling the house decided not to sell. Ok, fine. So we found another house. Then my husband's job prospect in Humboldt disappeared because of forced closures. Ok, fine. He still had his job here. Then my job offer was rescinded because the person I'd replace decided it was too risky to move during these uncertain times. No jobs = no house.

We are currently staying with my mom in the same county we were originally (Sacramento). I brought my flock of 8, my 3 cats, and my dog. My older son lost his job, and he and his girlfriend moved in, too, with their 3 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 guinea pig. My mom has 3 dogs, too, and a cat. So that's 6 adults, 7 dogs, 5 cats, and a guinea pig in a 3 bedroom house.

So, fine. Whatever. Here we are, just waiting for our job situation to improve. At least hubby and I are still employed and still working. Then he gets COVID, but thankfully recovers (whew!).

But, guess what? One of the neighbors complained about Picotee, my teeny little bantam rooster. He is a loud little guy, sure, but there are 4 roosters ON THIS BLOCK. Roosters are allowed here unless someone complains. Wonderful. Of course they complained about mine. I have 1 week to figure out what to do. I tried asking friends, posting on social media to no avail.

So guess who is going to be a house rooster? Good gravy. He will be caged at night and allowed to roam with me during the day. Can you imagine???? This is crazy... I know it's not ideal, but I can't kill him, and this is the absolute last resort. I bought chicken diapers and filed down his spurs.

My life has become a circus.


  • Picotee 5.jpg
    Picotee 5.jpg
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Despite all the challenges you've faced, your outlook and approach to make the best of the situation is so inspiring. It's so easy to get down. I can't imagine all you have gone through. But you've really pulled yourself up and really are making the best. Best of luck with your new house rooster, exactly the right decision and great of you to overcome all life has thrown at you!
Despite all the challenges you've faced, your outlook and approach to make the best of the situation is so inspiring. It's so easy to get down. I can't imagine all you have gone through. But you've really pulled yourself up and really are making the best. Best of luck with your new house rooster, exactly the right decision and great of you to overcome all life has thrown at you!
Thanks! I'm trying to stay positive. It could be a lot worse, THAT'S for sure!

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