My Cochin chick! Pullet?


16 Years
Apr 9, 2008
Wilderville, Or
I finally got a Cochin! It's been awhile since I've had chickens so I'm really really hoping it's a pullet because I can't have a rooster. What do you guys think?


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I am by no means an expert and there are much better qualified folks on here but from what I can see of the comb, it looks like you have a good chance at that being a pullet. ☺ Can you cet a clear head photo?
I'm assuming around 5-6 weeks she is still getting her plumage, her siblings had their Combs but she is barely getting her comb and waddle.


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I'm no expert either, but so far it looks like a pullet to me. I had some chicks hatch out of an incubator a couple of months ago. Out of the 3, I could tell from day 1 that the 1 was a Roo, by the bigger comb and thicker legs. That's not always the way, but it is a good indicator. Best of luck!
Looks like a pullet but I know these little turds can surprise us. I have three that have the same comb and am deeeeeesperately hoping they STAY that way. The fourth cochin turned bright red and grew overnight about a week or so ago.

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