My Cockerel did his first CROW!!!!!

The Chick Addict

PFP Made by @Duckpip
Premium Feather Member
Jun 23, 2022
Far North Texas
I took my White Cochin Bantam Cockerel, who is 15 weeks, to visit our neighbors chickens (who are 15 weeks old too) through the fence. I have guinea fowls who are always harrassing my chickens, including him, so he never really gets to act like a rooster. Well, once we got there, he started scratching at the hay and doing aggresive courtship dances toward my neighbors pullet. (He is aggresive towards other chickens) He crowed several times!! I am so proud of him! He is so cute! I just wanted to share this exciting news!!!:celebrate
I took my White Cochin Bantam Cockerel, who is 15 weeks, to visit our neighbors chickens (who are 15 weeks old too) through the fence. I have guinea fowls who are always harrassing my chickens, including him, so he never really gets to act like a rooster. Well, once we got there, he started scratching at the hay and doing aggresive courtship dances toward my neighbors pullet. (He is aggresive towards other chickens) He crowed several times!! I am so proud of him! He is so cute! I just wanted to share this exciting news!!!:celebrate
That's great! 😊
I have a bantam mottled Cochin chick and darn it if that thing didn’t start crowing this morning!! Scared the heck out of my older pullets!!
Mine recently started too. The second in command cockerel is not, so far as I can tell, but Drumstick is sure working hard to learn. Isn't it funny how excited we are about this perfectly normal (and later annoying) phenomenon? :p

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