My Cornish x are old!


9 Years
Aug 28, 2014
I have seven more Cornish x to go. We processed four two weeks ago at 17 weeks and they were small little things. Not the big bird you expect. I've fed them 22% protein feed (I can't get any higher where I live) and kitchen scraps thier whole lives. They have access to food 24/7. What's the deal? Why so small?
Check with the hatchery you got them from. There are several lines of Cornish X and they are not the same. In the future avoid that line regardless of hatchery.
Well, I would say yes but they grew very rapidly. They kinda maxed out in growth at 12 weeks...layers we got 3 months before them are only now coming to be the same size as them..I just emailed Murray and they said they did not know the line they came from.


This breed is from a line that is used to produce a fast growing meat bird. Sorry, we do not have the name of the breeds used to produce these birds or how many lines are used."
I would try again and tell them you aren't interested in knowing what the cross is to make them that you just want to know what variety or strain of CX they are, cobb, Ross etc. They shouldn't have a problem telling you that and I guarantee they know which one they sell. As a side note Murray does sell a slower growing CX bird too maybe you ended up with those
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What hatchery did you use I want to order some birds and don't want to get those.

I went with Murray McMurray this go around. I wasn't happy with them anyway. Ordered layers thru Meyer and was 100% satisfied. I will call them and ask what Cornish they gave me.
Well, I would say yes but they grew very rapidly. They kinda maxed out in growth at 12 weeks...layers we got 3 months before them are only now coming to be the same size as them..I just emailed Murray and they said they did not know the line they came from.


This breed is from a line that is used to produce a fast growing meat bird. Sorry, we do not have the name of the breeds used to produce these birds or how many lines are used."
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What was the carcass weight?  If full time feed, did you have any sudden deaths?  How active are the birds? (couch potatoes, only walk from feed to water, running about)
We didn't weigh them-we should have, bc when we culled and plucked the first we thought about canceling our plans to cull the others. They were half the size of a broiled Costco chicken if that gives you a visual. We never had any sudden deaths and they are active healthy normal looking birds. The roost, forage, dust bathe etc.

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