My Cornish X is dying

sounds like he is havin a heart attack pretty common in cornish x
10 week old is the other sign i think it is a heart attack, may be give um asprin,
is that your only one?
NO, i have several others the same age. He is the largest. An aspirin in water? Would it be more humane to just cull him?? We were going to process next weekend. Is he still a bird one could eat safely???
mix 1 asprin in 5 gal of water to save the others ,go ahead and cull him, i would go a head and process the others asap, how much do they weight? is that your first lost?
oh if you put the asprin in there water it will thin thre blood, I have 50 i am raisin now, would love to ask u more ? s
I've heard mixed reviews on treating with aspirin. You need to research more before you do that. Also, I wouldn't treat the others unless they're showing any symptoms. Can you move up your processing date?
I say cull him
Thank you all for your help. In the 45 minutes I waited until my husband got home, he died. It is my first loss and I am sad even though I knew we were going to process. Processing date will now be tomorrow for the others if we can. Sad.
They have been on starter/grower until last Sunday. My TSC was out and my son bought layer crumbles 16%. I also gave them a little cracked corn. The brand was DuMor. These are my first chickens and I hope it wasnt something I did. I am concerned that I didn't withhold feed at 12 hour intervals but I have other breeds. I will definately do that from now on. My husband guessed his undressed weight at 10 lbs. He was a BIG boy!

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