My Coturnix Quail are fighting?


8 Years
Aug 24, 2011
Jupiter, Florida
What do I do?All my females have red blood spots on their heads. I seperated the two males away from the five females. they are under a clay pot in the cage. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
Will they die from the head wounds? How should i take care of them? I was going to divide the cage in half with a plastic curtain. Is this ok?
and you say there is 2 male and 5 females...shouldn't be an issue to much, might be mating..honestly i'd watch them for an hour or so and see if anyone is being a bully...

keep your distance tho if they see you they will probably just hide.

another thing, is there enough space, each bird should have 1 sq. foot of space(i like 2 sq. foot but not needed)

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