My crazy hen


12 Years
May 8, 2008
North Carolina
Y'all know how hens like to announce when they've laid an egg... bak bak bak BABAK bak bak bak BABAK... over and over again? Well my BA hen Betty not only announces her eggs, but she announces my other two hens' eggs as well. You should hear her out there bak bakking her little head off right now because one of the other hens is in the nest box. Silly girl.
I have 18 and when they lay some cackle like crazy. They have a nest box that all perfer. Some will stand outside and cackle very loudly, like telling the one in it to "Hurry up and get out!!! It's my turn." Some times I find more than one bird at a time in the box.
Its like a chain reaction !!!!! One starts they all go..... Even my rooster gets into it ( I think he's louder than the hens ) Once in a while when I'm out there I tell him I know I know I can hear your girls, but thanks for telling me !!! Silly chickens !!!!

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