My dad and I have made a deal

M To The Maxx

10 Years
Jul 24, 2009
First off, you know that we had the unknown deadly disease kill a lot of our chickens and our one of our coops is empty. My dad does not want another rooster. He wanted to make the other coop and run into a storage shed for all the feed. My mom and I want another roo for the other coop though and more hens though. So, I made this deal with my dad. I will not another rooster,
but I can get more hens and we will attach the 2 runs together and finally get the other coop finshed so they can lay or sleep in the coop of their choice. What do you think? Good deal? I think so.
Yeah. Take the deal and soften him up on roosters over time. Learn your opponent. Why doesn't he want a roo? How can you fix that? Like... does he think they're too bossy? Too loud?

looks like your on your way to building your flock back up.

what happened to the beautiful Roo you had someone else quarantine?
I will soften him uo after awhile but the reason he does not want another rooster is because he doesn't like all the crowing at 3:00a.m.
There are ways around that too you know!
Keep him locked up inside the coop overnight. Then let him out when it suits you in the morning. Even if he does crow at 3:00 am, the volume of sound reaching the house is significantly reduced. Hopefully enough that Dad doesn't hear it!
There are ways around that too you know!
Keep him locked up inside the coop overnight. Then let him out when it suits you in the morning. Even if he does crow at 3:00 am, the volume of sound reaching the house is significantly reduced. Hopefully enough that Dad doesn't hear it!

We do but the coop is close to our house so he can still hear from their room.

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