My dad thinks it's a brain tumor...

Our cat had a bad injury this past winter. She was attacked by another animal and the vet put sugar on her wound. He said it would promote tissue growth. We kept it bandaged for a few days, and then he had us carefully clean and apply honey. It has antibacterial properties. Do you think that type of protocol may be beneficial to Mia's chicken?
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Great work Mia! Tylan is a good medicine for infections. If she is sniffling still you may want to try some sulmet or gallimycin. The feed store might have it or can order it.
The black stuff is probably old blood in a clot. it shouldn't be a problem to take it out or to scrape around and make sure that the gunk is out. Chickens form a hard pus shell to infections, so if its not all out it migh get encapsulated and just sit there until its strong enough to come back. So continue the compresses and antibiotics.
Chickens dont feel the same sort of pain that we do...Ive done many crop and bumblefoot surgeries over the years and had my birds just lay there while I did what had to be done, as quickly as possible! You saved her life for sure and you can be very proud of that!! She will soon be pecking around with her friends but its nice that she can see them from afar anyway.
My only other suggestion is to use bactine when you lance or scrape out the wound. It does have pain killer in it that is OK for chickens and its an antiseptic.
I wouldnt use sugar or honey...but use neosporin or something like that on it.
I think that the old wives were using raw sugar and raw honey, and that our pasturized stuff wont do much except call flies....and then maggots!!
There is a spray called granulex that is used in some treatments, and Ive tried it on bumblefoot, but I didnt see that it was any better than tylan 50 and topicals.
The real key is to clean out as much of the infection as you can get to...she looked so much better in the second set of pics that obviously you did the right thing!
When I saw her eye, I immediately thought that it was a sinus infection gone wild...and thats probably what it was. I had a roo with a totally swollen face and I sent him to the poultry vet extension at the university here because I am so paranoid about coryza, but he had pneumonia...and another of my birds had MG, which is rampant in the northeast this year...and I think its rampant in general. The vet told me that its reported everywhere, and like mareks, its considered to be pretty normal across the country. Anyway, the sinus can really back up on these little birds and it seems likely that it might abscess into the back of the head.
You are a great chicken mom, Mia! I couldnt have done it better myself, and Im known for my chicken medical knowledge around here!
You may be on your way to being a vet! you never know!
keep us informed on how Sugar is doing.
I wouldn't use sugar or honey either; but to this day plain granular white sugar and a heat lamp are sometimes used to treat bed sores and deep ulcers in hospitals and nursing homes!
I wouldn't use sugar or honey either; but to this day plain granular white sugar and a heat lamp are sometimes used to treat bed sores and deep ulcers in hospitals and nursing homes!

homemade "raw honey" - is good to use in reducing swelling and tightening the skin. many use it for prolapses in chickens and even in the old days for people. It works great.

Many old "classic" vets still use plain white sugar on wounds to promote quick tissue growth - like a previous posted refered to her vet doing. - Like Yakima Kid said - doctors still use it today as well.

I'd rather use a natural home remedy for something that over treating with over the counter products
Actually peroxide works by killing (lycing) any rapidly dividing cells, only the tissue that is trying to grow would be effected, and any nasty bacteria...

its only use in this case would be to keep the abscess open so a worse infection cannot set in... as in the best case senerio it heals from the inside out.

Peroxide does irritate and damage the healthy tissue too. We do not use half strength peroxide for cleaning wounds at the hospital I work at any more because studies show that it increases risk for infection by irritating the healing tissue. We use either saline, or just soap and water to clean wounds.
Actually peroxide works by killing (lycing) any rapidly dividing cells, only the tissue that is trying to grow would be effected, and any nasty bacteria...

its only use in this case would be to keep the abscess open so a worse infection cannot set in... as in the best case senerio it heals from the inside out.

Peroxide does irritate and damage the healthy tissue too. We do not use half strength peroxide for cleaning wounds at the hospital I work at any more because studies show that it increases risk for infection by irritating the healing tissue. We use either saline, or just soap and water to clean wounds.

ok, I was taught wrong, but it worked well how I said- on just the edges of the wound.
Sorry I haven't been updating! Mom took a look at Sugar today and she's pretty sure the stuff coming is dead blood, she says that because when it comes out on a tissue it's really dark and it's kinda thick.. We both agree that the black thing needs to come out. My dad is a little iffy to take her to a vet, he keeps complaining about how much it would cost to have it removed and such. I thought about it .... Would a vet need to do an x-ray? I remember Angel's (dog I have) x-ray for her spine was quite pricey.
I'll get pics up tomorrow, sorry I don't have any recent ones!

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