My daughter wanted to be in Chicken 4H, so here we are!


In the Brooder
Nov 4, 2018
I hope I am posting this new member intro in the right place! This is our second year with a small, mixed breed backyard flock of 6 hens. My daughter wanted to get some 4H chickens, and now they are a big part of my life. I work for the USDA-NRCS and have an MS in Wildlife Ecology, for which I studied whooping cranes. For someone with a background in birds, I feel like I am always worrying about something new with these chickens. I adore them, but I feel like they'll be the death of me! I am so glad that there is an online community where I can get insight from more experienced chicken keepers.


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I couldn’t agree more about the worrying. Always seems to be something these creatures can get into trouble with. This is such a valuable forum for someone inexperienced like myself. Welcome
Hiya :frow
Nice to meet you!
What a beautiful little girl :love

Aww, thank you! She lights up my life for sure, and she loves her chickens!

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